Thursday, October 06, 2005

Ode to my family

I listened to the Cranberries song "Ode to My Family" on my way home from work last night and cried all the way home. Why would I continue to listen to the song if it was making me upset? Weird. I do like the song, and it usually doesn't make me cry....I just don't know about me.

Justin had his first hockey last night. We went to the Bridge Street Cafe beforehand and he ate way too much, and he was full of nerves, so his belly hurt during hockey. Lesson number one...don't eat 1 and 1/2 grilled cheese and fries right before hockey. Then we did his homework at the restaurant and did not finish, so he finished this morning. Lesson number two....get homework done at the Y. We learned a few things last night. I also wonder about the Essex Mites. Justin is on the B team...but his friend David a few other kids surprised me by making the A team. I think they are all good...but I guess I thought A might be higher calibur after watching the Green Mountain Avalanche this summer. We will see. I am also worried that Justin's first game is against MAHA. They are good. Justin's team looked a little like the Mighty Ducks. They were falling all over and tripping each other up and fooling around. He fit right in though, except when he was crying that his belly hurt...and crying that there 'was a 7 year old out there!" I had to remind him that he is 6...and a 7 year old is less than 1 year older than him. I also showed him that the 7 year old couldn't even skate backwards from one side of the rink to the other. So, he got back out there and outskated them all.

I bought Max a new coat and boots. I can't wait to get it. The coat is red with a faux fur trimmed hood. He will be stylin'.

1 comment:

jill said...

Isn't it a whole other world...the world of sports parent? We are going through that too with Eliza in soccer.
I don't know anything about soccer, but am finding myself really getting into the games.