Thursday, October 13, 2005


I am still having wicked muscle spasms in my back. I thought I was feeling better as I was laying in bed and then....I got up. I am on drugs at work and it is not fun. I feel like falling asleep and I actually almost forgot to pick up the kids last night. I got all the way to Andrews Farm before I realized I didn't have them. So, I had to turn around and go back. Just call me Rush Limbaugh. I guess its only been 2 days but still ... I hate having to take drugs. Mirabel was funny, she said "Did you get in bed ok, or did you go 'awwwwhhh' " Of course, that made me laugh and cricked my back again.

So, Justin is all into the Titanic now. We watched the movie over a period of 3 days and he loved it. Now he has a reading book about the Titanic and he he making a poster of Titanic facts to hang somewhere in the school. It is kind of funny how much he loves it. He finds it fascinating that it sunk, expecially when it was considered unsinkable.

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