Sunday, October 09, 2005

Think Rink

Justin is the one in the yellow.
Justin had hockey Friday and Sunday. He is doing very well. He is doing a million drills and his skating is improving and I think if he learned exactly where he needed to be in a game he would be unstoppable. Miss Marina had her try-outs for U-12 and came out of it as sweaty as ever. She put her whole heart into it. She did awesome. Hopefully, she will do the same tomorrow night in her last try-out. Shelley, Roger and Dad did not come out of the snack bar training quite as well....their heart was not into it and I still don't think they could turn ON the hot cocoa machine if they wanted to, let alone pop popcorn. I will be the first in line...of course, I will be the one without money since I don't have the option of working at a snack bar to subsidize hockey.

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