Saturday, October 22, 2005

The Mighty Essex Sting

Last night we had the team dinner at Zachary's Pizza. The boys were amazingly well behaved. Everyone was wandering around with loads and loads of game winning tickets that they could cash in for prizes. I was amazed how good they were at the games. We went back in the dining room for dinner and everyone sat and had a great meal. It was pretty unbelievable.

This morning was the big game.....first game of the season! It was against MAHA. Essex killed them. It was 3 to 8 and the puck was in their end pretty much the whole game. The Mighty Ducks, as I call, them pulled together and played unbelievably well. I said....'where did these kids come from?' It was like a whole different group. They behaved, they played as a team, they were great sports. I was just shocked. It was a miracle. It made me a bit teary eyed to see how well everyone, including Justin, did. Dad also did a great job as the penalty box manager. Fortunately, he did not have to use his talents. The Essex team was able to keep themselves out of the box.

We finally heard from the world travelers last night. The Nadeaus are having a blast in Florida! They went to Magic Kingdom and Sea World and were at Animal Kingdom today. Hopefully, they will be able to get out before Hurricane Wilma hits the Orlando area. It was so good to hear how much fun the kids (and adults) were having.

I hear Mirabel did awesome at gymnastics...showing off for Grandma Ann. She even got her picture taken with Martin, her coach. She is getting pretty darn good.

Grandma is taking us out for dinner after Mirabel and her have naps. We will most likely go to Arvads. I have not been there in quite some time. I can't wait!

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