Sunday, October 23, 2005

Henry got hammered!

Well, second game. Not so good. Essex seemed to be in some sort of coma. None of them were skating or going to the puck very fast. The poor goalie, Henry, took the brunt of it with at least 25 shots on goal. He saved almost all of them. The score was 2-4 with So. Burlington way out playing the Essex kids. They truly owe Henry because the score could have been much, much worse. Hopefully, next week they will look alive.

We got up this morning and it had snowed. This was a bit of a surprise. When we got home the kids immediately went outside to throw snowballs and make snowmen. It was fun. The only trouble is that with the rain and now snow, there has not been any time to rake leaves!

Now, for the rest of the weekend, with the exception of getting my act together for school Tuesday...I can hopefully (and I say hopefully because I know it's unlikely) relax.

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