Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Driver carries no cash!

Justin has his first official hockey practice tonight. I am sure Essex Youth Hockey Association is going to be looking to collect some money from me. I will be taking donations, cash, coins, credit cards, empty cans... just kidding. I will be sure to wear my stretch pants tonight though so I can bend over a little more easily. One positive aspect is that I do not have to work at a snack bar or press the button when players score! Have fun with that Shel! Love ya!

I had a relaxing night last night. I had to work until 6 because I volunteered at the school in the morning. I went home and ate and watched one of my favorite all time movies....Big Daddy, with Adam Sandler. I think that movie is so incredibly funny. Then we went to sleep at like 9:30. Not too bad.

I went back to my old gym today. They have been remodeling all summer and haven't been doing spinning. There is one less bike in the room, but it is still hotter than ever. Even with six people it was steamy, but I did lose some sweat. Maybe that is why I lost weight spinning there, and gained weight spinning at Twin Oaks. It's a theory.

So, Justin let me know that the students in his class were on the bus saying their apple heads smelled like rotten fish...and that the apples I brought from the orchard were sour. I love kids.

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