Sunday, October 30, 2005

It was a rough hockey game....Justin lost a tooth!!

Justin had a hockey game this morning. He played well. There were a few times he got the puck up into their zone. They didn't win. They did not even get close. It was actually a shut out against them 6-0. We will see how the next game goes. I told Justin they need to practice going for the puck. They let it come to them....and it doesn't usually just come to them....anyway...they did better than I could have done in a million years.
After the game, Justin took his mouthguard out and OUT CAME HIS TOOTH! He has been waiting for about a year to loose that darn tooth. He actually has a full grown tooth behind you can't even tell he lost one. There is no hole. It is kinda funny. He is very excited. It's the first tooth he lost. I hope the tooth fairy can get her act together tonight.

1 comment:

jill said...

That is so cool! What a great picture!!