Sunday, October 30, 2005

AAAAAhh...the sugar coma! Gotta love Halloween!

The littlest witch

To the Batcave!

Justin and Marina trick or treating Great Grandma

It was a rough hockey game....Justin lost a tooth!!

Justin had a hockey game this morning. He played well. There were a few times he got the puck up into their zone. They didn't win. They did not even get close. It was actually a shut out against them 6-0. We will see how the next game goes. I told Justin they need to practice going for the puck. They let it come to them....and it doesn't usually just come to them....anyway...they did better than I could have done in a million years.
After the game, Justin took his mouthguard out and OUT CAME HIS TOOTH! He has been waiting for about a year to loose that darn tooth. He actually has a full grown tooth behind you can't even tell he lost one. There is no hole. It is kinda funny. He is very excited. It's the first tooth he lost. I hope the tooth fairy can get her act together tonight.

A play after dinner. The witch scared Derek half to death, and he was in the play!

The big winner! Mirabel won the grand prize drawing.

Pumpkin decorating contest 2005

Spider Woman! Mirabel doing the 'spider walk'

Derek made it through a whole gymnastics class...his mother might actually pay for another month!!

Future Olympian Mirabel Magnolia with her coach Martin Hruska

Friday, October 28, 2005

Judy opening Justin's handmade gift

Birthday cake at 9pm! Woo Hoo!

Excerpt from the Burlington Free Press featuring our neighbors

Published: Thursday, October 27, 2005

BOLTON -- Michael Bernardine climbed back into bed about 5:30 Wednesday morning after seeing his wife off to work.The father of three thought he had at least another hour before he found whether the 8 inches of heavy, wet snow that fell overnight would close Smilie Memorial Elementary School in Bolton for the day. Instead, Bernardine found his wife, Chris Bernardine, back in their driveway in her Chevy Trailblazer. She had made it less than a mile down the road toward U.S. 2, Michael Bernardine said, before downed tree branches forced her back. She tried again before Michael Bernardine piled their children into his Jeep Cherokee and drove his wife to her nursing job at Central Vermont Medical Center in Berlin. Dangling tree branches bounced off the Jeep like car wash brushes, Michael Bernardine said, until they reached the Winooski River valley at the foot of Notch Road. "It was green, and there was foliage in the valley," Michael Bernardine said. "Then you looked up and saw winter again."Depending on where you woke up Wednesday, Vermont was either coated in the season's first heavy snow or just soggier than it had been the day before. School was either canceled or open. Your power was on or you were in the cold and dark.

Yes, I always take pictures while driving in blizzards

We have the power!

We finally have power! You never realize how much you depend on electricity until it's not there. Mostly, its the water, but light and heat is helpful too. Tuesday night the power went out when we were just getting in bed. That wasn't too bad. Then Wednesday we went out for supper and to the gym for swimming and didn't get home until about 9pm. Then, yesturday Justin had hockey so we didn't get home until around 9pm again. When we got home, we had power.

I was not too late for spinning today. I set my clock wrong..or should I say....RIGHT and I was late. I always set my clock 15 mins ahead and when I was setting it last night I set it right. So, I had to rush to get to spinning. I walked in right at the dark...and realized I had lost my MP3 player. How does one lose an MP3 player in less than 100 feet?? So, I went back out to the car and it wasn't there so I grabbed Justin's headphones and ran back in. It was a pretty good class. Jim tried to find some Halloween music but didn't have any so we ended up with a bunch of Chopin which he says is a bit scary sometimes. He quizzed us the whole class on which piece was playing. I am horrible with music I found out. My teacher is also my neighbor, so we shared snow storm stories at the end when I was the only one left.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

4 wheelin

I love my new car! I recently got a Subaru Outback and I was lovin' it this morning in the snow!!! I got maybe 1/2 mile down the road and Clayton Bergeron was coming the other way and stopped to tell me there was a tree down in the I got to it and turned around. Then another 1/2 mile the other way he was turning around again. I saw the woman who walks her dogs in the morning and asked her if it was passable, and she said if I got around this tree, I could go over the other tree that was I did. I was so happy to get out of there and I did not slide at all. I love this car.

After 4 wheeling all the way to the gym to take a shower because there was no power, I forgot my regular clothes. I had to buy some for today at Walmart. Then, I got to work like five minutes late. It was a crazy morning. Luckily I got to work and it looks like going home will probably be fine.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Ghostly bananas

The first graders made ghosts out of bananas. I froze some bananas with popsicle sticks in them and they spread white chocolate on them with a plastic knife. It was fun and almost all the kids ate them right up. Many were interested in licking the bowl, which I tried very hard to stop....but for some it was too late. 6 yr olds on chocolate at 8am ---with a substitute teacher all day!!!! DANG....I ran out there pretty fast!! No longer my problem. We read a ghost story....called The Perfect Pumpkin Pie. The kids mouths dropped 2 feet when I read that the main character DIED. They were like...WHAT?? Like they knew the guy or something. It was very cute. Anyway, the lesson was on making predictions. They did NOT predict the guy dying or that it was really a story of a ghost. I tricked them.

SHELLEY IS BACK!!!!!!!! FINALLY! The Nadeaus had a great time in Florida and flew out of Orlando in a hurricane. Apparently, according to the pilot...the media was just hyping up the storm and it wasn't really that bad and he had no problem flying in this weather. So, off they went. I guess they were rocking and rolling for a few minutes and then within a few minutes you would never know there was a hurricane at all. So, they outran the hurricane all week and now here in VT we are going to get hit by the edge of it. Shelley can't escape from it no matter how hard she tries. We went to Al's after she got in. We had a great time listening to their stories and looking at some of the pictures. We were there over 2 hours. Shelley brought me a charm for my new bracelet. Now I have more than one...YAY!

Grandma and Aunt Edie picked up Mirabel yesturday early from daycare so she could be at the airport. She had a blast getting spoiled by them. She went to her favorite place in the world...."the mobil" (I know, I have weird kids) and then to her second favorite place, Toys R Us. She had toys, lollipops, cinnamon buns. Lucky girl.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Mirabel looking very fall-like

Henry got hammered!

Well, second game. Not so good. Essex seemed to be in some sort of coma. None of them were skating or going to the puck very fast. The poor goalie, Henry, took the brunt of it with at least 25 shots on goal. He saved almost all of them. The score was 2-4 with So. Burlington way out playing the Essex kids. They truly owe Henry because the score could have been much, much worse. Hopefully, next week they will look alive.

We got up this morning and it had snowed. This was a bit of a surprise. When we got home the kids immediately went outside to throw snowballs and make snowmen. It was fun. The only trouble is that with the rain and now snow, there has not been any time to rake leaves!

Now, for the rest of the weekend, with the exception of getting my act together for school Tuesday...I can hopefully (and I say hopefully because I know it's unlikely) relax.

Forwards getting hydrated

This is one way to rake leaves! Snow before Halloween.

Off to a hockey game at 6am! snowed last night!

The man in the penalty box...what's up with the glow in the dark outfit??

Who let the dogs out WHO WHO WHO WHO WHO

Eating on Arvad's Deck

Saturday, October 22, 2005


We did end up going out to Arvads in Waterbury for supper. It rained all the way there and it was so chilly. When we got inside it was going to be a 30 minute wait. It was terribly busy because of a bus full of leaf peepers. We decided to wait because it would take that long to get anywhere else. The waitress said that we did have another option and that was to eat out on the deck. It seemed an odd option at 45 degrees, but we headed out. It was surprisingly toasty because they had three huge heaters out there. The deck was so quiet and we were one of the only families out there. They had nice music piped to the deck and we had a great dinner. I always enjoy Arvads. They are so nice there. Such great service and awesome food. I had a Toll House Pie for dessert. It is a melty toll house cookie, with ice-cream, hot fudge, and whipped cream. That put an end to me....especially with the back medication making me feel sick. It didn't stop me from eating all of it though.

Happy Birthday to Aunt Judy!!

Aunt Judy is having a birthday. She will be coming up next week to see us. We will have a celebration when she comes!!

The Mighty Essex Sting

Last night we had the team dinner at Zachary's Pizza. The boys were amazingly well behaved. Everyone was wandering around with loads and loads of game winning tickets that they could cash in for prizes. I was amazed how good they were at the games. We went back in the dining room for dinner and everyone sat and had a great meal. It was pretty unbelievable.

This morning was the big game.....first game of the season! It was against MAHA. Essex killed them. It was 3 to 8 and the puck was in their end pretty much the whole game. The Mighty Ducks, as I call, them pulled together and played unbelievably well. I said....'where did these kids come from?' It was like a whole different group. They behaved, they played as a team, they were great sports. I was just shocked. It was a miracle. It made me a bit teary eyed to see how well everyone, including Justin, did. Dad also did a great job as the penalty box manager. Fortunately, he did not have to use his talents. The Essex team was able to keep themselves out of the box.

We finally heard from the world travelers last night. The Nadeaus are having a blast in Florida! They went to Magic Kingdom and Sea World and were at Animal Kingdom today. Hopefully, they will be able to get out before Hurricane Wilma hits the Orlando area. It was so good to hear how much fun the kids (and adults) were having.

I hear Mirabel did awesome at gymnastics...showing off for Grandma Ann. She even got her picture taken with Martin, her coach. She is getting pretty darn good.

Grandma is taking us out for dinner after Mirabel and her have naps. We will most likely go to Arvads. I have not been there in quite some time. I can't wait!

Friday, October 21, 2005

The kids went bowling yesturday. Turns out Mirabel is less of a ball roller and more of a ball thrower. She ended up with a 65 using this technique, which I thought was pretty darn good. Justin beat Grandma in one of the games. I am just so glad I didn't have to go bowling! Hopefully, that is out of their system for a while.

Tonight we have a pizza party with Justin's hockey team. I am a bit leary of it. These hockey players are wild. On and off the ice. Last night the kids were standing at the door waiting to get on the ice and literally boxing each other in the head. They had gear on but still, it was rough. I was getting nervous. I can't wait to see how they behave without hockey equipment on. Mom will be very happy to know that one of the kids she dislikes got yelled at quite a bit last night and was told that if he acted like that in a game he was out. We will see how the first game goes tomorrow.

Still no word about Shelley and Roger. Maybe they are having fun, maybe just dead someplace. Hard to say.

I am still on back medication....I don't know if it is the medication or just my exhaustion but I have been in a coma for at least a week. Just really spacy and tired and have a blank stare on my face. (not my normal one either)

Thursday, October 20, 2005

No rest for the wicked!

I was so tired last night and I just wanted to go home and relax. Well, I guess I had promised Justin we could eat out. So, I figured we would go to Zachary's Pizza and have a nice quiet ...non-cooking ....supper. We got there and sat down and within minutes the Richmond Soccer teams were coming to have an award ceremony! And, we knew every kid that walked in that door! We had kids and parents all around us even a couple sitting with us eating our food!! So, needless to say, it was not quiet, not relaxing and I could not wait to get out of there.

We got home and I cleaned out my car because I had to bring Ruth to work and I really didn't want to have her sitting in yogurt and all the other trash in the car. Felix says he is going to have Ruth ask me for a ride every other week so my car will be clean.

Grandma Ann made it in last night. The kids were very excited. Justin couldn't wait to show her his favorite show..."10 years younger" which is a daytime show on TLC where a person is transformed and made to look 10 years younger. He likes the eye surgeries, dermatology procedures and dental work. Very bizarre. I think Grandma is going to wonder about him. I hope one day he becomes a plastic surgeon and can work on me! I could use a tummy tuck, liposuction and a boob job!

The kids are probably going bowling with Grandma today. This is a good thing. Any bowling that does not involve me is good bowling. I just can NOT stand bowling! The kids like it.

I take it Shelley and Roger made it to Florida because I haven't heard of any horrific plane crashes or anything. Now, if they can withstand a hurricane they will be doing well. I think they plan to go to Sea World today. I hope they are having fun!

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

This hair!

Melissa and Alan think I need an updated hairstyle. I have pretty much had the same hairstyle since I was born, so this is going to be difficult. I dont know quite what to do with this mop! I am so incredibly lazy with it that it will be difficult to actually do something in the morning...including drying it. Now, I am feeling very self-conscious about my hair....good lord!

I went spinning this far so good. I am tired but my body isn't hurting too bad. Barry is a good teacher, his music is really good. I love the L.A. Woman and Bohemian Rapsody set he does. It is really motivating and good music too. Barry is some kind of icon at Twin Oaks. The people there swoon over him. It is so funny because he was just a co-spinner last year at this time at the Edge and we love him...but we don't go on and on about him like they do over at Twin Oaks. It's almost embarrassing.

So, the Nadeaus are off to Florida and there is a hurricane a brewin'. Crazy. I hope they make it ok and have a ton of fun in the SUN! I will definately miss them. Shelley really is my rock and I don't know if I can live without her for a whole 6 days. And especially if she gets swept away by a hurricane.

The kids are so excited about seeing Grandma Ann that Mirabel wanted to stay home today. But, since she won't be here til AFTER daycare, she has to go.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Watch out, busy week ahead!

I just got back from volunteering in first grade. We talked about bats. The kids had a ton of information to contribute and it was a lot of fun. We made bats out of construction paper that flap their wings when you pull on a string. A few of the kids said that they thought I was so creative and that they loved my projects. I am so glad. I never know what the kids will think. They are all very sweet. Chris got kicked out of the project. He is outspoken anyway, but the fact that he knows me outside of school makes him feel very comfortable talking to me and yelling out of turn.

I went spinning yesturday...first day back after the back issues. I feel ok. I went by myself instead of in a class and I only went for 45 minutes instead of an hour. So, it was good. I was really tired by bedtime though.

We have a really busy week. Grandma Ann is coming up from NY. She is definately a hit around here. She will be surprised that the kids like checkers, chess, monopoly and several other games they never played before. She is in high demand because the kids know she will play with them, unlike their "ugly, stupid, mean, rude" mother. The kids have 2 days off school for conferences this week. Grandma is going to babysit for us. We are very lucky to have her.

Justin has hockey and his 1ST GAME this weekend. Or, should I say his 1st 2 games. Yippee. I sewed on the nameplates for his home and away jerseys. I went and bought him some matching socks, and I got one pair figuring that would be sufficient. But, apparently, he needs white socks with a blue stripe for home games and blue socks with a white stripe for away games. So, Dad is off to Sports Central tonight to get him the other pair.

I have to bake a ton of goodies for the Harvest Festival that I am skipping out on. Unfortunately, it falls on the same day and time as Justin's first, as a Hockey Mom....there is no way I spent the last month going to every practice to miss the first game!! I will have my baked goods and a ton of balloons blown up by time the festival starts and I will have done what I got volunteered to do when I missed most of the last meeting being at hockey practice!

It has been raining for at least 10 days. Our yard is full of leaves and the kids are dying to get out and do some raking, but it has just been to wet to do anything fun outside. Winter is definately coming. Poor Max was outside in 44 degree weather this morning, shaking like crazy because he isn't used to his new coat yet. He better get used to it if he wants to keep warm this winter.

Mirabel is still a gymnastics wiz. She has been practicing in all the wrong places. She is doing somersault flips on my bed and spinning jumps in the air. She is definately going to be good, if she doesn't break something practicing. And by golly, Derek has learned to do a somersault. He learned on the couch. I am so proud of him. It took weeks, but Martin is going to be so surprised with his ability if he ever decides to get out on the mat at gymnastics to show him!!

The Nadeaus are off to Disney tomorrow! This is very exciting. Roger and Shelley told the kids if they could survive Daddy being gone for 15 mos they could go to Disney and the dream is coming true. I can't wait to hear all about it. I really hope Shelley can survive the airplane ride and that they don't find her wandering lost around Disney not knowing what to do next.

Friday, October 14, 2005

Back to Normal?

I think my back is getting better. No percocet today. I guess I will not be turning into Rush Limbaugh. I still have a little pain, but not nearly as bad as yesturday and the day before. Advil today! Let's hope this means I am on the way downhill.

Justin had hockey last night. He is getting better and better. It is fun to watch him progress. Bonnie, the team parent was diligently collecting money last night. She also says we are most likely going to have to travel to a tournament in western Massachusetts on December 2nd. It will be fun. All the kids are going to stay in the same block of rooms so they can get to know each other better. It will be fun.

I have been in a coma for a few days so I haven't much to report. I can't really remember if there was anything anyway.

Thursday, October 13, 2005


I am still having wicked muscle spasms in my back. I thought I was feeling better as I was laying in bed and then....I got up. I am on drugs at work and it is not fun. I feel like falling asleep and I actually almost forgot to pick up the kids last night. I got all the way to Andrews Farm before I realized I didn't have them. So, I had to turn around and go back. Just call me Rush Limbaugh. I guess its only been 2 days but still ... I hate having to take drugs. Mirabel was funny, she said "Did you get in bed ok, or did you go 'awwwwhhh' " Of course, that made me laugh and cricked my back again.

So, Justin is all into the Titanic now. We watched the movie over a period of 3 days and he loved it. Now he has a reading book about the Titanic and he he making a poster of Titanic facts to hang somewhere in the school. It is kind of funny how much he loves it. He finds it fascinating that it sunk, expecially when it was considered unsinkable.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005


I volunteered in first grade today. We made suncathchers out of crayon wax and leaves. It was fun. I only got one stuck in the laminator ...that turned into the example of what happens when you do the crayoning on the outside of the paper. Poor Dahrian had to make a new one..and I personally thought her second one was far superior anyway. Kayla thinks we should do something with bananas next week. I am still scratching my head about that one.

Smilie school pictures are today. Very exciting. Mirabel still had soap in her hair from her shower but i just combed it into some braids and off she went.

I am having wicked back spasms right now. I can barely move. The 'old lady' as Ruth always calls me had to get help getting off the floor at the school from the Para. Pretty bad! I need to call the doctor before I am completely flat on my back!

I am leaving early today...after having just arrived at work at 10am. I need to go to Justin's hockey for a parent meeting and also I have a Smilie Community Club meeting. Melissa is having a hissy fit because I left her here all morning and now all afternoon.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

3rd Annual Fleming Family Chicken Pie Supper

The 3rd Annual Chicken Pie Supper went off without a hitch. We had a delicious meal prepared by Mom. Shelley served the meal without even getting her (wrinkly) apron dirty. We had chicken pie, squash, mashed potatoes and apple pie. The decorations were fabulous and the company was delightful. Grandma Millard experienced her first Fleming Family Chicken Pie Supper. Roger did not realize it was annual, since he was in Iraq last October. The tradition of him doing the cooking was broken by his skipping out on it last year. I think he was upset about that because every five minutes he would do some obscene gesture, claiming he pulled both sides of his groin in hockey the night before!

Think Rink

Justin is the one in the yellow.
Justin had hockey Friday and Sunday. He is doing very well. He is doing a million drills and his skating is improving and I think if he learned exactly where he needed to be in a game he would be unstoppable. Miss Marina had her try-outs for U-12 and came out of it as sweaty as ever. She put her whole heart into it. She did awesome. Hopefully, she will do the same tomorrow night in her last try-out. Shelley, Roger and Dad did not come out of the snack bar training quite as well....their heart was not into it and I still don't think they could turn ON the hot cocoa machine if they wanted to, let alone pop popcorn. I will be the first in line...of course, I will be the one without money since I don't have the option of working at a snack bar to subsidize hockey.

Friday, October 07, 2005

The Queen of (un) Clean

I used to wonder how people let their houses get so messy. Now, I know. It's kids. At least in my case it is. I am hardly ever home anyway, but when I do get home I don't have the time or energy to clean. I am sort of afraid to walk on my floor without shoes. And, the fact that the dog and ....the kids are constantly peeing and pooping on the floor is soooooo scary to me. I think even a housekeeper would be afraid to clean this house. The basement is still a disaster from the mold flooring, no ceiling tiles, one room is still a bit moldy, it's just embarrassing and I really don't like being at the house.

Mirabel has gymnastics tomorrow. I can't wait to watch her. She is so funny. I love to see her doing kartwheels and somersaults. She is very good for her age I should say.

We are going to have our 3rd Annual Chicken Pie Supper at Mom's tomorrow. I cannot wait. It is very very exciting and delicious. We love chicken pie but don't like eating food when we don't know where it comes from ....or even scarier ....if we do know where it comes from ! So, instead of going to the church, we will stay home and eat. It would be a better cause, but the food is certainly better at Mom's.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Happy Anniversary Aunt Edie and Uncle Roy!

Justin's violin, photo taken by Mirabel...Good Work Mirabel!

Max looking sharp with his new cut

Mirabel picking apples

Apple dolls and the first graders, Anastasia is thrilled!

Ode to my family

I listened to the Cranberries song "Ode to My Family" on my way home from work last night and cried all the way home. Why would I continue to listen to the song if it was making me upset? Weird. I do like the song, and it usually doesn't make me cry....I just don't know about me.

Justin had his first hockey last night. We went to the Bridge Street Cafe beforehand and he ate way too much, and he was full of nerves, so his belly hurt during hockey. Lesson number one...don't eat 1 and 1/2 grilled cheese and fries right before hockey. Then we did his homework at the restaurant and did not finish, so he finished this morning. Lesson number two....get homework done at the Y. We learned a few things last night. I also wonder about the Essex Mites. Justin is on the B team...but his friend David a few other kids surprised me by making the A team. I think they are all good...but I guess I thought A might be higher calibur after watching the Green Mountain Avalanche this summer. We will see. I am also worried that Justin's first game is against MAHA. They are good. Justin's team looked a little like the Mighty Ducks. They were falling all over and tripping each other up and fooling around. He fit right in though, except when he was crying that his belly hurt...and crying that there 'was a 7 year old out there!" I had to remind him that he is 6...and a 7 year old is less than 1 year older than him. I also showed him that the 7 year old couldn't even skate backwards from one side of the rink to the other. So, he got back out there and outskated them all.

I bought Max a new coat and boots. I can't wait to get it. The coat is red with a faux fur trimmed hood. He will be stylin'.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Driver carries no cash!

Justin has his first official hockey practice tonight. I am sure Essex Youth Hockey Association is going to be looking to collect some money from me. I will be taking donations, cash, coins, credit cards, empty cans... just kidding. I will be sure to wear my stretch pants tonight though so I can bend over a little more easily. One positive aspect is that I do not have to work at a snack bar or press the button when players score! Have fun with that Shel! Love ya!

I had a relaxing night last night. I had to work until 6 because I volunteered at the school in the morning. I went home and ate and watched one of my favorite all time movies....Big Daddy, with Adam Sandler. I think that movie is so incredibly funny. Then we went to sleep at like 9:30. Not too bad.

I went back to my old gym today. They have been remodeling all summer and haven't been doing spinning. There is one less bike in the room, but it is still hotter than ever. Even with six people it was steamy, but I did lose some sweat. Maybe that is why I lost weight spinning there, and gained weight spinning at Twin Oaks. It's a theory.

So, Justin let me know that the students in his class were on the bus saying their apple heads smelled like rotten fish...and that the apples I brought from the orchard were sour. I love kids.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Parent Volunteer of the Year

I am back from my first day as a Parent Volunteer this year. I worked mostly one on one last year. This year I am working with 2 first grade classes as a large group. Don't feel too bad for me because Smilie School only has 10 kids per class. But, I was real nervous because there were two teachers and a paraeducator in the room with me. The kids liked the apple dolls. We had so much fun making them. They loved to see them develop into grannies and grampas. Some of the kids were making the grandpa dolls skateboard and snowboard. You Go Gramps! Next week, the kids will go on a nature walk and we will do some sort of project with things they find. Less preparation for me ...yay.

Justin had his last hockey tryout last night. I was a bit worried about what team he was going to make. They had the kids broken up in a very strange way last night. They led me to believe he was going to be on a different team. There are five choices, A travel, B travel and three house teams. He made the B travel team. He had out his bag of tricks last fact he had so many tricks he looked out of control. And I am not sure what he was doing against the side of the rink flipping the puck in the air and passing to himself off the boards constantly. It was a one man show. And i do mean SHOW. It was amusing...luckily I think the official clipboard bearing men knew before last night what the teams were going to be. Dad says they were really examining..but I really don't know. If he hussles in a game as much as he did one on one with a player last night, he may be really good one day. So, the fun begins tomorrow at 6:30 pm and another practice Friday at 4:50pm. One good thing about the travel team is no 6am practice.

Tonight, I plan to go to bed early. I am really tired from all this activity!

Monday, October 03, 2005

Hockey, Apples and Dolls, oh my!

I guess I was a little overzealous when planned on making dried apple dolls. The heads were's the clothing that seems to be killing me. I have sewn 12 simple dresses..and 15 shirts and 15 pairs of tiny little jeans. I know for sure now that I am not going to be a seamstress for fairies (as if it were an option.) I had to use pliers to turn the jeans inside out after sewing them together because they are so small. By 10pm, my back was burning in pain and my hands were all crippled up. I plan to get the rest done today during lunch.

Justin is in the middle of hockey tryouts. He looks awesome. He is playing strong and solid. I really don't know what team he will be on. I assume he will be on one of the three house teams. It is hard for me to say. I am leaving it up to the group of men in the stands with the clipboards to let me know. Dad tells me they know what they are talking about and are supposedly under tons of pressure to get things right or they could be attacked by the angry parent lynch mob.

Mirabel and I went apple picking yesturday. It was gorgeous outside. We were actually quite warm. She did a great job and we filled a huge bag full of apples. We were walking along looking for a good tree when all of a sudden in a rather Isaac Newtonish fashion, an apple fell from a tree about a quarter inch from her head. We laughed so hard. It was so unexpected and funny. She did also see a few hornets and did not freak out at all which is a huge accomplishment for her after her recent stinging incident.

We went to look for a new winter coat for Max...since he doesn't have one of his own. No luck, I will have to try to find one online.

Happy Birthday to my lovly older cousin...Rae Ann. The big 3-5. I am so glad I am not that old. HA! Seriously, Have a good one!