Friday, November 11, 2005

The two smarty pants

We had Justin's parent-teacher conference Thursday morning. He is doing great in school. Except for hanging out with the adults in the room in the morning, he does great. He is pretty much meeting every standard. Mrs. Cole said they don't usually give a 4 in first grade but he got all 4s in reading. Which makes sense since he has always done well with reading.

It was funny on Tuesday morning when I was volunteering, he started 'being himself' in front of the teachers, and they said "Wow Justin, I have never seen you act like this!" I said, "do you think you could keep THIS kid and I could take home the one that lives here at school??" No such luck. I get the devilish Gemini and the school gets the angel.

Mirabel did great on her report card...considering most of it just says IP...(in progress). Wait til next year....I have been very easy on Mrs. Gifford this year because it's only pre-school. She probably won't see the wrath of Mrs. Pond until next year.....then watch out! Mirabel is a smarty pants. She will be reading at the same level Justin did in kindergarten (or higher) and she is much more outgoing so, I think she will do even better.

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