Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Marina's first U12 game ...Way to Go!

Saturday morning, I ran around like a chicken with it's head cut off trying to get Justin ready for religion. We finally got ready and were ten minutes late....again. Anyway, I met Mom, Shelley and Marina at the Park and Ride in Richmond to go to Hartford, VT for Marina's first game this season. She prepared herself by eating a huge bag of Funyuns so as to knock the other team over with her smell. I am not so sure it worked on the opponent but it did work on us! St. Albans showed up with about 22 girls and Hartford had 8. So, I guess you would say they had a bit of an advantage. Harford had a "big one," a girl that was twice the size of Marina and Eva. Their strategy could have been to cut them off at the knees....if they could keep up with her. She was good but tended to play every position out there. That has to tire ya out. Marina played her position really well and they did win something like 10-0 but stopped counting after 7. (They tried not to rub it in too much)

We went to McDonalds with the team after the game....even though the adults had their hearts set on something a bit more substantial. It was fun, and Marina got to be with the team.

We stopped in Lebanon, NH to do a little shopping in preparation for the big shopping trip next weekend. There were some really nice shops in the Powerhouse Mall. On the way home, Shelley and I found everything very, very funny ....I have a feeling we were getting tired. But, it was a blast!

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