Thursday, November 17, 2005

There's something wrong with the world today I don't know what it is

I missed spinning yesturday because I didn't set my alarm clock. So, I went this morning. When I got there, another guy was already in the room...and I really like spinning by myself...but that's ok. He had the lights on though, which I disagree with. I think spinning should be done in the dark. It is sacrilegious to have lights on. Thankfully, he left about 15 minutes before I did and I turned off the lights!

Justin has hockey tonight. He missed Monday because he didn't feel well. He is feeling better now, so we will be going. I guess when I was gone Saturday he had an "assist." I think he touched the puck before Hunter did and Hunter made the point. So, he got his name announced over the loudspeaker as assisting a goal. I wish I had seen it. Maybe he will score in his next game. Who knows. We have to be in Highgate for 8am on Saturday and St. Albans for 7am on Sunday. Early mornings! Dang!

I am still feeling a little sick. I am sick of being sick. It is making me feel very down in the dumps. I hope I snap out of it pretty quick!

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