Monday, November 21, 2005

Adventures in Babysitting

Grandpa Fleming watched Justin and Marina today because there is no school this week (and they both had hockey during the day.) He was sitting reading the newspaper and they came up to him in these get-ups. He was laughing so hard he had to take a picture of them. I don't know what is worse...the fact that they were wearing these sunglasses or that these are Mom's actual sunglasses.

I guess the kids had fun. Justin brought Star Wars Episode III for Marina to watch since she is being horribly deprived of her absolute favorite movie because her birthday is in a month! The poor kid. What kind of relatives does she have anyway! Oh well. She got to see it again anyway.

Justin had hockey practice this afternoon and the coach worked them like dogs. It is a good thing. They need it. Bonnie sent directions to the Chazy rink for this Saturday's game....Do ya think "note: the rink is not completely enclosed and gets extremely cold" in the directions is a good thing??? I am a little worried. I definately need a HOT SEAT. Maybe Roger has a camoflage one I can borrow.

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