Wednesday, January 11, 2006

"Keep on Kickin' "

Justin had hockey practice at UVM tonight. Mirabel was bored as usual so she wanted to show me the UVM pool. She knew where it was and she knew "the girls" were in it. So, the door was open and we peered in. She stood there for a long time watching...and a man came over and started talking to her. He asked her if she swam and she said, "yes...but only with a life jacket." He asked her if she went to the lake, and she said, "no, I swim at the fitness Edge." He said, "Are you going to be on my team someday..." He was the coach of the girls swim team! She said she was going to be. He yelled out, "Good job girls!" to the swimmers and he went off. Some of the girls waved at Mirabel as they swam by. Next thing we know, the coach came back and handed her her very own UVM swim cap. She is very proud of her cap and plans to wear it swimming in Florida. One of the girls saw her as she was coming out of practice and she told her to "keep kickin'!" And Mirabel proceeded to tell her that she was going to Florida to swim in a much longer conversation than I think the girl wanted to have. She was in seventh heaven anyway.

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