Saturday, January 07, 2006

Another run in with the law! I am a Civil Violator!

I just got my speeding ticket paid off last week from December. Two points and $140. Now, I get stopped in Richmond (again) for having a headlight out. I thought my Venture was a police magnet. But, apparently, it is ME. I am a normal driver. I don't really speed all that often, and I obey traffic rules for the most part. I just get caught when I am in violation. I am tagged in Richmond as a speed demon and now I have defective equipment. I just can't believe I had a light out on a 6mo old car! But, I knew about it and planned on having my father fix it on Saturday (which he did) so when the officer asked if I knew it was out I said, "yes." Now, I find out that is the wrong answer. He said, "so you knew it was out....." I can't win. Oh well, I got a written warning and a lecture from the two backseat drivers in the car about making sure the lights work.

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