Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Crazy Chazy

Sunday morning Justin and I got up at the crack of dawn to try to make the 6:15am ferry to Plattsburg from Grand Isle. Much to my surprise, it was snowing like crazy and the roads were a lot worse than I had expected. So, we drove on. I saw a plow in Williston but after that, no plow all the way to the ferry. Since my Dad fixed my headlight and had to remove the car battery to do so, I had not had a chance to set my car clock. I really did not think that at a top speed of 55 mph we would make the ferry. We pulled in at 6:20am and the ferry was sitting there waiting for us. I was oddly ecstatic. Henry Adams and Sara Manly, fellow hockey players, were peering out of the back window of the truck in front of us waving. We were right on time! We got off the ferry and stopped at a store to get something to eat. When we came out, it was light, and there was no snow. We even got on I87 and there was not one bit of snow on the road. It was like the twilight zone. We had entered the store and come out in some other world. It was ok with me though, I'd had enough winter driving. We were the second car there...besides the zamboni driver slash other team's coach. Henry and Sara were also there. We went into the cold, dark arena. Chazy is odd. The temperature is about 10 degrees colder inside than outside. It used to be an outdoor rink until just recently. It has some sort of plastic on the sides to box it in and there is no seating...so you have to peer through the glass and be careful not to get too close or you might steam it up and not be able to see. Grandma was trying her new camera and kept yelling at me because I was steaming up her side of the glass and she couldn't get a good picture. Chazy is also a bad place to take picture because you do have to get them all through the glass which is all marked up from the hockey players. They have a nice warm-up room but, at some point you have to leave and go back out in the cold if you want to watch the game. It was a good game, they won again. I will try not to jinx them, but amazingly enough, they have been winning lately. (which is certainly different) The drive home was long, we went around the lake unstead of the ferry and I was just not feeling good so I couldn't decide if I was hot or cold. So, the car was a sauna. Justin watched a movie on his new portable DVD player and I listened to it. When you can visualize a movie without seeing the screen...you have seen it too many times.....(Robots.)

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