Monday, January 30, 2006

Today was my friend Melissa's birthday. She thinks I am the only one that loves her. I doubt it.
Today was my Aunt Edie's birthday. We will have a party together next Saturday, because our birthdays are six days apart and mine is next Sunday. My birthday falls on Superbowl Sunday this year. That is just wrong. Felix said that we have to do something early in the day so my birthday doesn't interfere with the Superbowl. Again, WRONG. Oh well, I don't really care much about birthdays anymore. I don't get excited, in fact my birthday has always really sucked. In fact, most of the time we got report cards on my birthday, and I wasn't that great a, never fun there. I just never got anything, noone ever cared at school or work. It was just an all around disappointment most years. Now, I am going to be half of seventy. The big 3-5. I really, really feel old....

Friday, January 27, 2006

Back in MY day

So, Justin and I were talking about favorite books and we got to talking about Amelia Bedelia, which used to be my favorite book. (the original) Then I proceeded to tell him about film strips. I used to LOVE filmstrips. My sister and I used to watch film strips when my Mom went to aerobics class at the school. Justin has no idea what a film strip is. Then, I began to think about all the stuff he doesn't know about. Like....rabbit ears...with tin foil on it to make the t.v. picture come in better. Records or record players. (and our record player used to have a very freyed cord so every single time I plugged it in I got an electric shock....and there were no outlet covers) Commercial TV (we have tivo.) Floor TVs. Beta videos. Watching home videos on a movie projector with tape that went from one roll to another. If we wanted to tape something on t.v. we taped it on a cassette player and listened to it. Rotary phones and party lines. Sitting in the front seat of the car--or back window! Eating raw hot dogs. Licking cookie dough with raw egg in it off a spoon. Rear wheel drive. 8-tracks. 110 cameras--actually, they barely know a 35mm. Riding a bike with your hair blowing in the wind. Being outside all day without a parent in sight. Bomb shelters. Transistor radios. There is just sooooo much more...not even thinking about fashion and politics and so forth. I guess there has just been so much progress in the last 35 years. So, now I sound like my parents who walked to school uphill both ways in the snow. But, it's just mind boggling.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Hockey in Westford = Snowstorm everytime!

The Parents had fun anyway...not sure what the kids are doing. Hunter's Dad (in the red coat) ...paying close attention

The practice at Westford was very difficult to get to. The roads were icy and after we went through a bunch of parents got stuck behind an accident.....which we got to hear all about from Hunter's parents since they were the first on the scene and she is a nurse. Sabrina said, "Take a picture because this IS Vermont. Only Us'em would travel out here in a snowstorm..pass an accident and still keep on going to play hockey." It was fun though...the kids played all on their own. The parents socialized and drank ...except Hunter's father who...amazingly enough, STILL kept yelling "HUNTER" during a supposedly fun practice. Then, at one point a fight broke out with the kids and the gloves were off....I think Ian and them have seen WAY too much Pro Hockey for their own good. Hunter's Dad broke that one up since he seemed to be the only one paying attention. We did not go in the house as suggested afterwards because we were just way too cold and wet. We have decided though that if we ever want it to snow we will just schedule a practice in Westford!

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

No wonder the Japanese need so many relaxation techniques...they've been doing ORAGAMI!!!

Well, the oragami bookmarks got done...20 minutes late...but they got done. I started out with plenty of time...where did it go?? I got more and more stressed as the time went by. By time I got to work I was stressed to the core. I ended up having to take a chill pill and that helped a little. By, 5-6pm I was getting back to normal Next week...Masks. And "I" am making them...bringing them in and the kids will paint them. More preparation for me but less stress on Tuesday! I hope... Ann wasn't there to see her idea in action. I think that maybe that was on purpose. (not really, her Mom is sick) Anyway, it is in the past and I am not going to attempt oragami again in the near future.
I did make my sales objective today for the first time in 2006. It had to be a I sent my boss a picture of a Cross by e-mail. So, something went right.
My cousin is doing well. He is going home from the hospitol without his appendix tomorrow. I guess they did have to use paddles on him...but he survived. Thank God!
I am going to go watch a movie....and relax for another fun-filled day tomorrow. Hockey in Westford tomorrow......let's hope for no snow so I can drive home!!!

Monday, January 23, 2006

Oragami Stinks!

I have decided that I am not meant to do Oragami! It took me 5 hours today (while also on the phone) to make a kimono doll bookmark. And ...I am still not 100% sure how I did it. So, I can not wait to see how this week at school goes. I am a tad nervous. If I can't do it are a bunch of 6 yr olds going to do it??? Oh well..we will get through it. It always comes together at the end. Right?!
Justin had hockey tonight and he is pooped. He fell asleep on the way home. I have no idea what he has for homework but I will find out tomorrow as we are running around the house trying to get showers and homework and breakfast together. It's just nuts.
I guess my cousin is in the hospital right now undergoing treatment for his heart so that they can perform an emergency appendix surgery. I don't really know what is up with his heart but they had to put him under for four hours to stimulate his heart before they could do anything else. I hope he is ok.
I got an email today about the annual spinning marathon!! I am trying to get Roger and Dad and possibly Shelley to do it with me...they are all just fighting over who will go with me!! It is only a measly 6 hours. Come ON!!
Since I am ready for school and it isn't even 10pm...I am going to go to bed. Yay.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

A day without hockey...what to do...

Well, we had a hockey game at 7am Saturday. Then....we had the rest of the weekend. Oh my! Justin had religion and Mirabel had gymnastics. After that we went to Mom's and Shelley was in some sort of coma. I kept tellin' her to have some coffee. We ended up having to go to Michael's and the mall. That woke her up a little bit. We walked and walked and did not really find anything....which made her even more tired and cranky. But we went back to Mom's and she made RUNZAs! and chocolate cake ...two of my favorite things ever! We got home and I tried to watch "Jerry Maquire" but fell asleep as I was up at 3am sniffling and couldn't get back to sleep and had to get up at 4:30 anyway for hockey. Sunday, I tried to sleep in. I stayed in bed until 11am, even though the kids layed with me watching a Scooby Doo movie 3 times. I didn't care if it killed me... I was staying in bed!!! So, I got up and they wanted to go swimming and I really don't like swimming...I like it more than bowling but not much. Felix took them swimming and I went shopping by myself. I ended up getting a pair of boots, sort of a cross between cowboy type boots and hooker boots. I liked them. It was relaxing. I love the smell of Abercrombie & Fitch. I go in there just for the smell of it..even though I am old and I always feel like the "old lady police" are going to arrest me for daring go in a store I should not be in without a teenager along with me. So, now, I am washing the grey right out of my hair and I intend to go to bed early...let's see how that goes.

Friday, January 20, 2006

Out on the town....Richmond...Woo Hoo!

Mirabel wanted to sit at a different table

Justin treated us to Zachary's

I love this picture we are at a public restaurant and they have a fireplace going in the back....right where they keep the baby high chairs and toy box!

Am I alive??

I went spinning today. It was the first time in about two weeks due to my illness. I just couldn't breathe. I got there right on time and got all ready to go. I put on my heart rate monitor and started riding. We were doing some work on endurance so we were supposed to keep our heart rates pretty even at 75-85%. So, I was watching it and my heart rate kept jumping from like 30% to 87% or so. So, I was like...ok this is really weird. Then, all of a went to 0. And, me...being me....actually felt my neck to see if I had a pulse. Just makin' sure. So, basicly I think I need new batteries or something in my monitor. After that...I took it off and just enjoyed myself.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

The weeks go by so fast

Well, this weekend was another busy one. We had the St. Albans Mite Jamboree. That started at 7:40 am on Saturday. They ended up playing Barre to begin and lost. I met Mirabel at gymnastics after bringing the Justin and Marina to hang out with Mom. Marina complained about my car being so absolutely disgusting (which it was) that I had to vacuum it out and get some of the shake spills, ritz bitz, fries, tissues, coffee name it.....out of there! So, then, I felt really gross so I went home to take a shower and get changed before Derek's 4th birthday party. As we were on our way to St. Albans the snow started. The party was a success. We had a nice BBQ in the middle of winter...and Roger had to stand out in the snow cooking. But, it was worth it.... to me. Derek got tons of cool presents. We had cake and it was already time to leave for Justin's next hockey game. I was walking out to the car...slipped down the hill and slid under the car. That was so funny...but hurt like the dickins. Justin played Henniker, NH. They were good. Really good. So, basicly the kids were asleep on the ice considering it was after 8pm when they got started. We left the rink at 10pm. We got home in a snowstorm at 11:30pm. He had another game at 9:45am on Sunday. So, back to St. Albans we went. I went through a whole tank of gas this weekend by the way. They played St. Albans and they looked good but the goals were not there. So, we waited around until 12:45 to play the next game. This was against Barre and they played awesome. They all looked alive and were skating very aggressively. The best playing I have seen by them in a long time, if ever. They got 6th place in the tournament (out of 6.) It was fun though. The Marlborough, MA tournament is cancelled. So, no trip this weekend. Which is good...I really need a rest. But, luckily (?) they have been able to schedule games for us against CSB at 7am. That is just great news. We may go to Ottawa in February instead but that is still up in the air.
Yesturday I worked, but Justin had the day off with Dad. They got to go to watch a UVM girls game which I heard was amazing. Then in the third period the kids got to go out back to meet the UVM boys. They got autographs and a tour of the locker rooms. I guess the kids had a blast. Then, after the girls game they got to meet the girls and get a poster of them.
I went straight home after work and planned for the first grade. We did Zen gardens. It ended up being so Zen. We did a little meditation, we had nice music in the background and the students were just so into the raking. A lot of the kids were saying they felt like they were going to go to sleep. It was very cool. Everything fell into place and it flowed...very zenfully...if that is a word.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Friday, January 13, 2006

A night in the life

After a long day, the kids and I went to Ben Franklin to try to find materials for the Zen Gardens. No luck. We went to the car wash because we could not even get into the car without getting white with salt. The kids love the car wash. They were oohing and aahing as I was looking at all the magnets hanging all over the car wash that people have lost over the years. They had tons of yellow ribbons and some soccer balls and flags. Amazing. It was like a museum of magnets. Dang. I wanted to reach out and take one. We decided to go to Pizza Hut for dinner. It was the longest wait ever. The waiter explained they only had one cook and that is why we had to wait. I noticed he didn't tell us that until we had already waited a significant amount of time. Then, Mirabel and I hit K-mart but still nothing for the Zen Garden. I don't know about this. I am seeing lots of late night work in my future!

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

"Keep on Kickin' "

Justin had hockey practice at UVM tonight. Mirabel was bored as usual so she wanted to show me the UVM pool. She knew where it was and she knew "the girls" were in it. So, the door was open and we peered in. She stood there for a long time watching...and a man came over and started talking to her. He asked her if she swam and she said, "yes...but only with a life jacket." He asked her if she went to the lake, and she said, "no, I swim at the fitness Edge." He said, "Are you going to be on my team someday..." He was the coach of the girls swim team! She said she was going to be. He yelled out, "Good job girls!" to the swimmers and he went off. Some of the girls waved at Mirabel as they swam by. Next thing we know, the coach came back and handed her her very own UVM swim cap. She is very proud of her cap and plans to wear it swimming in Florida. One of the girls saw her as she was coming out of practice and she told her to "keep kickin'!" And Mirabel proceeded to tell her that she was going to Florida to swim in a much longer conversation than I think the girl wanted to have. She was in seventh heaven anyway.

I am a fugitive

So, Sunday I was driving home from Chazy and the Richmond police officer that stopped me on Friday night was sitting at the four corners in Richmond. I went through the light and then he pulled out behind me. He followed me all the way from there to my house. Which is like seven miles or something. I had fixed my light and I wasn't speeding. He just stayed behind me like he was taunting me. Usually, the Richmond police will patrol and either turn down Cochran Rd. or up Stage since the Richmond line is right after that...but he actually went into Bolton and turned up my road. I thought it was strange and too much of a coincidence. Maybe I am just paranoid. I don't know.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Ice-cream and Ice, either way there was screaming involved

Yesturday was Smilie Day..... and I was the one almost screaming as twenty kids were squishing baggies full of milk, sugar, vanilla, salt and ice to create their own ice-cream. It was scary...and dangerous. I have been terribly sick and tired and I had planned a ton of stuff for the kids to do to keep busy while squishing, but I did not take into account the noise it would make. So, I did not get to do any of the activities. Anyway, each kid ended up with a delightful treat to eat and were satisfied. Next week..Zen you think there is a chance they will meditate for the hour?? I highly doubt it. Maybe I will attempt to bring some Zen music. HAHAHAHAHA...I know...that was a joke.
The rest of the day I pretty much whined that I was sick. I was a yucky day. I got home hoping to lay down and Mirabel hit her head on the wall phone and got a big egg and bruise on her head. So, she screamed for like an hour. I layed in bed w/her and consoled her and tried to eat supper while in bed. I didn't sleep last night because my nose was so stuffy.
This morning I woke up and was all ready to go to Walmart to get some cold medicine...and the road ended up being so icy that I went a mile down, slid about 30 feet on the first section of the hill and turned back. I called the school to say that I wasn't going to bring the kids until the plow came and they said that the buses had been pulled off the roads anyway until the road crews could get to them. Apparently, our road crew, who I normally could kiss on a daily basis (not literally,ew) but I love them....couldn't get up the hill so they had to go back to the garage and get chains. They came through at 7:45 and the road was nicely salted and full of sand...Just the way I like it! Especially now that I have a car that is sort of plasticy. So, I left and on the way down did a bunch of test stops....I stopped fine every time. Route 2 was like a super highway because there were at least 11 accidents between the Richmond and Waterbury exits. I got behind a firetruck (at least it wasn't my favorite cop) going 20mph...which I took as a sign to slow down. Then, as I was getting on the interstate, I looked south and notice two long double lines of cars heading toward me...they just opened the northbound I hurried to get on before the rush. I made it to work ...only 1/2 hr late. Not too bad.

Crazy Chazy

Sunday morning Justin and I got up at the crack of dawn to try to make the 6:15am ferry to Plattsburg from Grand Isle. Much to my surprise, it was snowing like crazy and the roads were a lot worse than I had expected. So, we drove on. I saw a plow in Williston but after that, no plow all the way to the ferry. Since my Dad fixed my headlight and had to remove the car battery to do so, I had not had a chance to set my car clock. I really did not think that at a top speed of 55 mph we would make the ferry. We pulled in at 6:20am and the ferry was sitting there waiting for us. I was oddly ecstatic. Henry Adams and Sara Manly, fellow hockey players, were peering out of the back window of the truck in front of us waving. We were right on time! We got off the ferry and stopped at a store to get something to eat. When we came out, it was light, and there was no snow. We even got on I87 and there was not one bit of snow on the road. It was like the twilight zone. We had entered the store and come out in some other world. It was ok with me though, I'd had enough winter driving. We were the second car there...besides the zamboni driver slash other team's coach. Henry and Sara were also there. We went into the cold, dark arena. Chazy is odd. The temperature is about 10 degrees colder inside than outside. It used to be an outdoor rink until just recently. It has some sort of plastic on the sides to box it in and there is no you have to peer through the glass and be careful not to get too close or you might steam it up and not be able to see. Grandma was trying her new camera and kept yelling at me because I was steaming up her side of the glass and she couldn't get a good picture. Chazy is also a bad place to take picture because you do have to get them all through the glass which is all marked up from the hockey players. They have a nice warm-up room but, at some point you have to leave and go back out in the cold if you want to watch the game. It was a good game, they won again. I will try not to jinx them, but amazingly enough, they have been winning lately. (which is certainly different) The drive home was long, we went around the lake unstead of the ferry and I was just not feeling good so I couldn't decide if I was hot or cold. So, the car was a sauna. Justin watched a movie on his new portable DVD player and I listened to it. When you can visualize a movie without seeing the have seen it too many times.....(Robots.)

Saturday, January 07, 2006

"Don't you just love a bargain" Christmas trees 90% off at the Christmas Tree Shop...we cannot pass this up!

We have no idea how we are going to get these trees home. We had to have five of them. Not to mention, we had a huge bookcase that Shelley bought. Plus, the bags from Walmart and Toys R Us. It is a sickness. We are bargain hunters.

A beautiful winter day on the Notch Rd.

The back of our house..from the road...yes, while driving.

The Notch starting to get ice yet though

I might not get in trouble with the law if I were driving instead of taking pictures....just a thought!

Another run in with the law! I am a Civil Violator!

I just got my speeding ticket paid off last week from December. Two points and $140. Now, I get stopped in Richmond (again) for having a headlight out. I thought my Venture was a police magnet. But, apparently, it is ME. I am a normal driver. I don't really speed all that often, and I obey traffic rules for the most part. I just get caught when I am in violation. I am tagged in Richmond as a speed demon and now I have defective equipment. I just can't believe I had a light out on a 6mo old car! But, I knew about it and planned on having my father fix it on Saturday (which he did) so when the officer asked if I knew it was out I said, "yes." Now, I find out that is the wrong answer. He said, "so you knew it was out....." I can't win. Oh well, I got a written warning and a lecture from the two backseat drivers in the car about making sure the lights work.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Pond Hockey

Last night Justin had hockey at the rink on the Westford common outside Coach Dave's house. It was a beautiful night. The kids played a little game and the longer they played, the more equipment came out as they were getting hurt. The parents thought ahead. They brought beer and baileys. Rebecca asked me if I wanted a hot chocolate and very much to my surprise it was not was high-test. The parents were having a grand ole time. Now, they say they cannot wait for the Marlborough tournament. I am a bit worried. The night was more fun than I thought it would be. Mirabel sat in the car for a bit and played her Leapster. After, we went into Dave's house and the kids played ping pong and more hockey in the basement and we sat and ate cookies. The drive home was sketchy. It was snowing like crazy and the road was covered. I hate when the snow is coming right at me and blinding me. By time I got home I was stressed out from driving so intensely.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Could this be a sign of a busy year to come??

It is the 4th of January already and my Christmas Tree is still up. This is unheard of. If it were up to me I would have it down the day after Christmas. I liked the year my grandfather had the tree down right after presents. Once Christmas is over, it's over. No lingering of the trees should be allowed. I think my problem is lack of time and sheer laziness. I can't get myself to get the boxes out and put it up. I wish it would disappear.

This year I did more on New Year's Day than I have ever done in the past. Normally it is a day of relaxation and hanging out. This year we got up at 6:30 and headed for Middlebury for a hockey game. We ended up getting there 40 minutes early. I couldn't believe it. So, we waited. When the Middlebury people got there they said, "You are in locker room 2." So, I went looking for locker room 2 and couldn't find it. So, the guy saw me and said, "You guys are in locker room 2!" I said, "Where is that?" He said, "It is across the street." I really thought he was joking and I said, "What?" "Well, go outside, then across the walkway and into the other building." So, out we went. It really was out there. Middlebury's locker room was in the main building. I think it was a psychological trick of some sort. Between periods the kids had to go outside and across the walk. Crazy. And it was really, really cold there. I have to put that in the back of my mind...Middlebury=cold.

Justin and I stopped at McDonald's with Mom, Dad and the Nadeaus. We went to get Kira a birthday gift and headed to a sledding party for Kira Nolan. I ended up being the "person at the bottom of the hill designated to stop the kids from going into the road." THAT was fun. The kids had fun though so it was good.

Monday we went shopping at the Berlin Mall. It was Mom, Grandma, Mirabel and I. We shopped until we dropped and then went to Applebees. I even had desert I was so hungry! Mirabel and I got home and Felix and Justin were out swimming until 8pm. So there went that day. It was a lot of fun though.

No Smilie this week. I couldn't get the time off and I guess there was a puking incident so I am sort of glad I wasn't there anyway.

Tonight, Justin has hockey at Coach Dave's house. They are going to play some pond hockey in the rink out in front of his house. I am sure it will be fun, but I really hope it warms up.