Friday, December 09, 2005

Ho Ho Ho....Merry Christmas!!

Last night we made our annual trip to see the Verizon Santa. Since we are going to be seeing another Santa on Sunday...I thought I would just let the kids know that my boss would be playing Santa and that he is good friends with the real Santa. Justin said, "Is he really?" and I said, "Yes, he plays poker with him and goes out for supper with him all the time." So, he said, "I better get my list then." We had to stop by the rink to pick up hockey photos before going to see Santa. On the way, Justin said...."What are those things we get at the Lucky Spot Store??" I named like twenty things...none of them right. Finally, I said, "Lottery tickets?" and he said "YES! I am going to ask Santa for a bunch of those." I said, "What...those are illegal for kids your age, Santa is not going to bring you an illegal present for Christmas!" So, he said, "NOW I am not ready." Crazy kid. He ended up asking for a Game Boy. Much better choice. He talked to Santa..he was amazed he knew his name. He said, "Did he see my name on my coat?" I said, "Well, I don't think so because he knew Mirabel's name too and her name isn't on her coat....." He is now convinced that the Verizon Santa is the real thing. Mirabel was thrilled that she was not afraid at all and it was her first time seeing Santa. (Well, that she can remember) She stayed on Santa's lap for longer than Santa really wanted her to I think. Oh well. She was just looking for brownie points...can't ever hurt ...especially when you are talking to the "The Big Guy." She came skipping over to me after spending a fair amount of time over in the vending machine area. And I said, "No, you can't have anything from the vending machines." Later on that night we were laying in bed, and she said, "How did you know that I was going to ask you for something in the machine??" I said, "I have special powers......AND I saw you come out from the vending machine area ...and what else could you want?" She still thinks I have special powers and that I am really smart. That is fine with me. Someday she might find out the truth. Oh no!

1 comment:

jill said...

Oh my god! Love that photo. I have a similar one of myself sliding down Santa's lap with a red face.
I remember taking my kids to the Verizon Santa. What fun.
And smart kid to ask for Lottery tickets.