Thursday, December 29, 2005

The good, the bad and the ugly...oh wait...It's the Christmas Weekend!

My Baby Boy

Mirabel the snowboarder...just like MOM!

Justin is a wild sledder...that is all I have to say! He scares me.

The Star of Christmas...Marina did an awesome job in the choir.

Mom stole some of my chex mix!!

Uncle Roy's famous lasagna and salad on Christmas Eve! Mmmmmmmm Mmmmmmm Mmmmmmm!

Quincy's first Christmas

Ann with her brood

Christmas stressing you out? Watch out for relatives wielding over-sized dog bones!!

Aunt Edie's knitted careful Mirabel...they will be heirlooms!

Shelley modeling her new nightie!

Derek is very proud of his Spiderman Stunt Set!

Chillin' at Aunt Edie's...All these presents tire me out!

A reminder that we better get home and go to bed!

Santa did show up!!! (a surprise considering all the threats that two kids better behave)

Big heavy presents! But, not tile.

Justin getting into his new hockey bag...he fits!

Christmas at Mom's House....Sooooo much stuff. (and I whined and cried about tile??)
Dad did a heck of a job on the candy trains! Good thing Mom forced him to do it!

A tasty Christmas Dinner.

Mirabel enjoying a smoothie from her new "toy." I see strawberry daiquiri's in my future..

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