Thursday, May 04, 2006

Tuesday was Smilie Day. Since it is Green Up Day this Saturday, I did a recycling project. We read the longest book ever about recycling and I kept having to put the book up to my eyes to see it. I felt bad because usually the kids are so very impressed by my 'upside-down reading' ability. They are wowed by me....I know! But, this time...I don't know what my problem was, but I could not see. Justin wanted to make parachute men out of recycled we took handkerchiefs and string and tied a spool to the end. The kids took some time to decorate the cloth (not so easy with marker) and the grown-ups got to do the tying. That was not so fun...but luckily, I have a ton of helpers. I used to be a bit intimidated by having so many other adults in the room, but now I am grateful, because I usually need helpers.

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