Tuesday, May 09, 2006

The biggest hill I found on my bike ride.

I went for a longer bike ride today, not really on purpose. I am a bit of a hill hound and I was looking for a hill to ride..which I ended up being very far away from. Anyway, when I got about 40 minutes away, I realized I forgot my water bottle. So, my quest ended up being for a drink. I had to ride on a 4 lane highway and was never this happy to see a sidewalk in my life. I rode another 3 miles and found a Citgo. Then, I figured I would use the bathroom and got sketched out and brought my bike in with me and ripped the mirror off trying to get it out. Then, of course, I had to get back. At that point, I was riding on the wrong side of the road against 4 lanes. I was happy to get back to the rural road.

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