Saturday, May 20, 2006

Marina and "the" screw

"Marina....You scared me...I can't live without you!" "You did it before I was born..." "Yeah, but...I knew somehow you were coming!"

Marina went to the hospitol for her foot surgery on Friday morning. She was most upset that she was unable to eat anything from 5am until the surgery, which was supposed to be at noon. I called Shelley at 4:30 and she had just barely gone in for the surgery. From the reports I heard, Marina was whining really badly that she just wanted to go home and that she was sooooo hungry. I really don't blame her...I get hungry by 10am usually and definately can't skip lunch. So, anyway, the surgery was a success and by 5:00 I heard back that everything went great and she would be going home soon. So, I was thinking..."great." The kids and I went to see RV and Felix met us there. We got home and as I was lying in bed at 10:30 Mom called and said that Marina's oxygen levels kept dropping and she kept not breathing when she would fall asleep. A cause for alarm. So, of course, me being all upset and was crying for an hour. But, then at 12:40am Shelley called and said that she was starting to come out of it and that she was acually able to sleep without her oxygen levels going way down. That was good. So, I went to sleep and woke up at 5am thinking about her...and wondering if it was too early to call the hospitol (which I did decide against.) Shelley called me at 8:00 am and said that she was eating then going to go home. So, panic over. Then, we went to gymnastics and back to Mom's house. Marina, Shelley and Roger showed up around 3:00 and we went to see the movie "Over the Hedge." That was not the greatest movie in the world. But, it was a chance to get out. Then we all went back to Mom's for CHOCOLATE CAKE! Yummy. Everyone was really, really tired.

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