Thursday, May 04, 2006

The teachers are on strike. So, we are going to Florida!

The teachers in our district are on strike. So, we have decided that even if they settle soon, we are going to change our vacation plans and go to Florida the 6th instead of the 20th. This is fine with me. It is spontaneous...which I like and we don't really care when we go. We will have fun no matter what. Our host is willing to change our reservation...he is very accomodating. We are going to leave Saturday which kinda stinks because I wanted to go to the Earl's Cylclery Tent Sale. I don't really think I would buy a bike....but I really wish I had a new one. Roger scored a new bike at his neighbor's lawn sale. Very cool. I guess I will have to hit the Ski Rack's sale in a month or so. I will practice with my mountain bike for the Tour De Cure so that it will feel easier when I get on a road bike. Let's hope that theory works out. Anyway, I would rather go to Florida. I am very exicited for shopping at Target!! Forget Disney and Seaworld....bring me to the Target! ...and the A&W. There really isn't anything better than a rootbeer from an A&W drive-in. They put those cool trays on your window and the mugs are all frosty. I can't wait! Now I just have to pack. It won't take very long once I get going...I just have to get going.

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