Thursday, May 04, 2006

The Maple Festival and Parade

We went to the Maple Festival on Sunday morning. I had a heck of a time getting there because I had to stop for Advil and take medication...all because I kept getting panicky. Weird. Anyway, we finally made it there about 11am. We walked from Shelley's house and stayed until 12:30. The kids went on some rides and we ate good food. We totally avoided the ponies. Woo Hoo! We are awesome. We got back just in time for the parade. The world's longest parade. I don't know if that is official or not, but it seems it. Justin was all excited to get a "Bernie" sticker...until he found out it was not "Bernie Williams" the baseball player.

On the way home we had to stop at Barnes and Noble to get a book for class on Tuesday. We did score about ten Junie B. Jones books for $1. a piece. I love Junie B. Jones and so do the we read two of the books the same night. Junie B. is the coolest in my opinion anyway. She does say some bad words like 'stupid' but other than that...very fun and funny.

1 comment:

jill said...

Ooh..I miss the Maple Festival. I could survive on maple sugar candy alone..the little people ones.
And Eliza loves Junie B. I think she has read just about all of them. Good find for 1.00