Thursday, May 11, 2006

Biking along the orange groves.

I went for a two hour bike ride today. It was good. It was hillier than the other rides, more like VT. I mapped out a route but it wasn't all that long, so I also took my regular route. This is a picture of riding by one of the few orange groves left in town. It is kind of cool. I did get caught in the beginning of a rain storm which is why this picture is incredibly dark. It is not an illusion. I found out that rain makes you ride a lot faster. I was cooking that last three or four miles. I knew that there was a chance of thunderstorms and I really did not want to wait around for that....which did eventually come. So, it stormed for a bit. Then, since we are going to a water park tomorrow I had to go get a new bathing suit. One with a hide the cellulite. It is a little tight...but the skirt hides pretty much everthing. I will have to suffer with the avoid looking like half the people that will be there tomorrow. I really don't enjoy looking at people with flab hanging out of some gross suit. It was bad enough at Sea World. Then, you also have the ultra skinny people that let it all show. I did not have to use my imagination at all with one girl there. Wow.

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