Thursday, April 27, 2006

"Mom, do you have an old telephone? ...and a sledgehammer??"

Justin asked me if I had an old telephone and a sledgehammer today...and I said..."Are you serious, do you actually think I am going to give you those 2 things...together??" and he said, "Well, I just want to smash it and show Mirbel the insides..." Which is sort of what I thought he was going to do with it in the first place. The kids at Live Y'ers (the vacation camp) made robots today out of old household items. Justin said they worked on it all day. That is cool....he had a really good time. They went to the pool in Burlington at the YMCA, so they didn't get back until 5:45 and I usually pick him up at 5. So, Mirabel and I decided to go to the park. It was too chilly so we got in the car and she didn't have a coat, so we ended up at the thrift shop in Richmond and bought her a sweatshirt for $1.50 which was the exact amount of money I had in my coat pocket. Phew! We got to the park and Joya, her friend, was there. Last time they went swimming, we forgot that it was a late pick-up and ended up sitting for 50 minutes in the gym at the school waiting ...with Joya and her Dad. Anyway, I am the worst chit chatter in the world...and apparently so is Joya's Dad ...because last time we managed to not say two words to each other for the full 50 minutes even though we were sitting across the table from one another the whole time. This time, at the park, we got out a few stuff. Basics. Much better, but still very forced. Then he started spewing about Aristotle and learning Latin...and he lost me. It was time to go anyway, so we tried to find the kids...who had then...picked most of the daffodils off the Richmond Founder's Green without us knowing it. So, we left very, very quickly.

1 comment:

jill said...

hmmm...interest in the internal organs of a you think he'll follow in his parents' footsteps and have a career with the phone company?
although smashing the phones open sounds like more fun than talking to customers about them.