Monday, April 17, 2006

Justin rang in Easter at Midnight at the ER getting hydrated

Justin has been sick for a week or so now. Poor Baby! He has been feverish on and off. No big deal....really tired...the usual sickness. Saturday night he spiked a fever and he was screaming that it hurt when he breathed, so we took him in to the ER. They tested him for pneumonia and since the pain was lower in the left side they took a blood sample to be sure he didn't have appendicitis. He didn't. But, he was not happy about getting an IV even though they put numbing cream and gave him Advil ahead of time. He fought and fought...finally they had to bring in two big "holding" guys to hold him down. Of course, when he realized it wasn't hurting...he was fine. They gave him two bags of fluid and he seemed a lot better. I guess he was dehydrated. Anyway, they had us in a room with a tv...which was great except the kid picked out a hockey game to watch. So, Mom and I sat there for 4 hours watching hockey!!! We were really hoping he would fall asleep, but he didn't!!

1 comment:

jill said...

poor guy...he looks like he is still trying to keep his "I hurt and am not happy" face while enjoying his game.
I hope he is feeling better!