Thursday, April 13, 2006

Don't Panic!!!!

Well, I haven't been writing much because I have been quite stressed out. Work is just crazy and I have been trying to make my sales but I keep missing it by one Direct Tv sale....which is very maddening. So, anyway, I have been having my good old panic attacks again. Fun, Fun...even though I have had several I only ended up at the hospital once. I went home on Friday afternoon because I just couldn't take the stress anymore and I thought I would just relax. Well, I went to sleep and I ended up jumping out of bed in a full blown panic attack. So, (in fear...) I called 911 because I was home alone. If there had been someone home, I would have been fine...but there wasn't. And of course, since Dad is a fireman....he heard the dispatch on his scanner and freaked out. I guess that when you call 911 it disables call waiting because noone could get in touch with me to see what was going on. So, Dad called Mom and Mom called Felix at work....and they met me at the hospital. Just plain craziness. I have been feeling a tad better...knock on wood...because the panic attacks really come and go as they please.

Anyway...I won a $100 spa gift certificate at work...and thought that a massage or a facial might just be the thing I need right now. I went online to check out the available Vermont Spas and there are only 3. One is in Stowe, the other in Warren and one in Rutland. I don't know which one I will go to yet...BUT...the Pitcher Inn offers eyelash perming and none of the others do....does that mean it is the best?? I don't has variety anyway. But, of course, I can't take a day off because I will not meet my objective...and I will become stressed. Vicious cycle.

Justin is sick. He has no voice. This is the best day of my life. He has not fought with Mirabel once. They are playing peacefully with magnetic block thingys....and are soooo quiet. I just love it. I may look into having his voice box removed permanently!!

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