Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Knights of Columbus Super Bingo to benefit Camp Ta Kum Ta! We're ready for action!

We had our dabbers ready for anything at the beginning and as you can see by Mom's face....we didn't have much luck. We all dropped a bunch of money on pull tickets and Shelley and I ended up winning $75 on those. But, we didn't yell BINGO! all day. Six hours and nothin'. Shelley and I kept pressing the ink of our dabbers together and saying "Wonder Twins Activate!" but it didn't work. The poor old man sitting next to us kept chuckling at us non-'regular' bingo players. We rubbed our hands together....I rubbed my lucky boots on Shelley's legs. We dabbed left handed. Still....didn't work. Then, we thought I might be bad luck because every time Shelley left the table and I went and bought more pull tickets they were losers. So, she decided to hold on to our two "hold" cards by sticking them in her bra. Boy, the old man must have loved that! We just couldn't stop laughing at times.....then I went into a sugar coma...and Shelley said..."too many M&Ms???" I nearly passed out...so more M&Ms and soda had to be consumed. Then they announced door prizes and they said "a gift certificate to the Outback Steakhouse..." and I said, "OOOOH I'm gonna win THAT" and they called my name....and I stood up and put my hands in the air and yelled out "Yeah. Yes!" You would have thought I won a new car. But, hey, $20 bucks to the Outback after striking out all day is better than a sharp stick in the eye. So, since Shelley and I had a pact to share our winnings...we both came home with $35 and a $20 gift certificate.....sooooo.... we each spent $50 on pull tickets ......and Mom paid our way....We felt like winners anyway.

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