Thursday, April 27, 2006

"Mom, do you have an old telephone? ...and a sledgehammer??"

Justin asked me if I had an old telephone and a sledgehammer today...and I said..."Are you serious, do you actually think I am going to give you those 2 things...together??" and he said, "Well, I just want to smash it and show Mirbel the insides..." Which is sort of what I thought he was going to do with it in the first place. The kids at Live Y'ers (the vacation camp) made robots today out of old household items. Justin said they worked on it all day. That is cool....he had a really good time. They went to the pool in Burlington at the YMCA, so they didn't get back until 5:45 and I usually pick him up at 5. So, Mirabel and I decided to go to the park. It was too chilly so we got in the car and she didn't have a coat, so we ended up at the thrift shop in Richmond and bought her a sweatshirt for $1.50 which was the exact amount of money I had in my coat pocket. Phew! We got to the park and Joya, her friend, was there. Last time they went swimming, we forgot that it was a late pick-up and ended up sitting for 50 minutes in the gym at the school waiting ...with Joya and her Dad. Anyway, I am the worst chit chatter in the world...and apparently so is Joya's Dad ...because last time we managed to not say two words to each other for the full 50 minutes even though we were sitting across the table from one another the whole time. This time, at the park, we got out a few stuff. Basics. Much better, but still very forced. Then he started spewing about Aristotle and learning Latin...and he lost me. It was time to go anyway, so we tried to find the kids...who had then...picked most of the daffodils off the Richmond Founder's Green without us knowing it. So, we left very, very quickly.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

The picnic. It's 58 degrees...and it's picnic weather in VT (poor Justin stayed inside because of tree pollen allergies!)

The typical Monday night at hockey. We ARE the audience!

Marina beating me....My breathing has been kinda bad and it helps to whack my back (oddly enough.) Thanks, Marina.

We actually had some nice weather (but it did not last)

The Circus at Smilie School

Well, Wednesday there was a circus at Smilie. All the grades performed different tricks. Mirabel and her group (which I am hoping to get a photo of on here soon) did an elephant walk. Justin's class did scarf juggling. It was really cool. I wouldn't have ever thought of getting the kids to do those things at all. It was nice. Anyway, all weekend I was like...'the kids have a circus...the kids have a circus..." and noone listened to me. Apparently, they thought the circus was something a fundraiser or booths or whatever. So...Wednesday night, I called and said..."Are you coming?" and the whole family was like "what??? I didn't know anything about a circus!!" So, anyway. It was good.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Easter..the day after...some of the candy wrappers of the candy eaten just while downloading these pictures.

It's Easter and that means....Loot!

And I call this one...'The taking of a photograph"

Marina ....come on....take a picture with picture....I'm your Mother....Come on!
Stop pulling away Marina...don't fight it!
Let's just get it done...then you can play..Your Mother bought you a nice dress and brought you into this world..and you can't even take a picture with her....If it weren't for me--You'd wouldn't be here and you would be naked!
Awwwwww....what a loving, cooperative daughter

Shelley finds the coveted Egg 20 ... with a $20 bill inside! Almost killed Felix to get it..but she got it!

Easter Egg hunt at Grandpa's house

Hi Shelley!

Here you go 'boys' ....the picture of you...that everyone is waiting for!

The four generations

The four little angels

The girls

The kids found all the fake eggs and goodies in our Easter Egg Hunt!

The Easter Bunny finally made it to the house after 2:30 am

Justin rang in Easter at Midnight at the ER getting hydrated

Justin has been sick for a week or so now. Poor Baby! He has been feverish on and off. No big deal....really tired...the usual sickness. Saturday night he spiked a fever and he was screaming that it hurt when he breathed, so we took him in to the ER. They tested him for pneumonia and since the pain was lower in the left side they took a blood sample to be sure he didn't have appendicitis. He didn't. But, he was not happy about getting an IV even though they put numbing cream and gave him Advil ahead of time. He fought and fought...finally they had to bring in two big "holding" guys to hold him down. Of course, when he realized it wasn't hurting...he was fine. They gave him two bags of fluid and he seemed a lot better. I guess he was dehydrated. Anyway, they had us in a room with a tv...which was great except the kid picked out a hockey game to watch. So, Mom and I sat there for 4 hours watching hockey!!! We were really hoping he would fall asleep, but he didn't!!

Marina's Purse Cake

Friday, April 14, 2006

What is my life coming to??? Coloring white coated chocolate eggs...instead of real ones for Easter!!! Blasphemy!

Happy let's take the Christmas decorations down!

I feel bad because I have been so lazy with the house lately. I felt worse when the emergency people came to the house and there were Christmas stockings hung up over the couch. How bad is that?? So, what I guess I am saying is that they would probably still be up if I hadn't had a stranger come into the house.....
Looking around, there are still posters up from Mirabel's birthday party last year....Maybe we can reuse them for this year since her birthday is 2 months away. I really need to clean this house.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Don't Panic!!!!

Well, I haven't been writing much because I have been quite stressed out. Work is just crazy and I have been trying to make my sales but I keep missing it by one Direct Tv sale....which is very maddening. So, anyway, I have been having my good old panic attacks again. Fun, Fun...even though I have had several I only ended up at the hospital once. I went home on Friday afternoon because I just couldn't take the stress anymore and I thought I would just relax. Well, I went to sleep and I ended up jumping out of bed in a full blown panic attack. So, (in fear...) I called 911 because I was home alone. If there had been someone home, I would have been fine...but there wasn't. And of course, since Dad is a fireman....he heard the dispatch on his scanner and freaked out. I guess that when you call 911 it disables call waiting because noone could get in touch with me to see what was going on. So, Dad called Mom and Mom called Felix at work....and they met me at the hospital. Just plain craziness. I have been feeling a tad better...knock on wood...because the panic attacks really come and go as they please.

Anyway...I won a $100 spa gift certificate at work...and thought that a massage or a facial might just be the thing I need right now. I went online to check out the available Vermont Spas and there are only 3. One is in Stowe, the other in Warren and one in Rutland. I don't know which one I will go to yet...BUT...the Pitcher Inn offers eyelash perming and none of the others do....does that mean it is the best?? I don't has variety anyway. But, of course, I can't take a day off because I will not meet my objective...and I will become stressed. Vicious cycle.

Justin is sick. He has no voice. This is the best day of my life. He has not fought with Mirabel once. They are playing peacefully with magnetic block thingys....and are soooo quiet. I just love it. I may look into having his voice box removed permanently!!

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

This is for you Shelley, but you know I don't need coffee to shake...dang!

Knights of Columbus Super Bingo to benefit Camp Ta Kum Ta! We're ready for action!

We had our dabbers ready for anything at the beginning and as you can see by Mom's face....we didn't have much luck. We all dropped a bunch of money on pull tickets and Shelley and I ended up winning $75 on those. But, we didn't yell BINGO! all day. Six hours and nothin'. Shelley and I kept pressing the ink of our dabbers together and saying "Wonder Twins Activate!" but it didn't work. The poor old man sitting next to us kept chuckling at us non-'regular' bingo players. We rubbed our hands together....I rubbed my lucky boots on Shelley's legs. We dabbed left handed. Still....didn't work. Then, we thought I might be bad luck because every time Shelley left the table and I went and bought more pull tickets they were losers. So, she decided to hold on to our two "hold" cards by sticking them in her bra. Boy, the old man must have loved that! We just couldn't stop laughing at times.....then I went into a sugar coma...and Shelley said..."too many M&Ms???" I nearly passed more M&Ms and soda had to be consumed. Then they announced door prizes and they said "a gift certificate to the Outback Steakhouse..." and I said, "OOOOH I'm gonna win THAT" and they called my name....and I stood up and put my hands in the air and yelled out "Yeah. Yes!" You would have thought I won a new car. But, hey, $20 bucks to the Outback after striking out all day is better than a sharp stick in the eye. So, since Shelley and I had a pact to share our winnings...we both came home with $35 and a $20 gift certificate.....sooooo.... we each spent $50 on pull tickets ......and Mom paid our way....We felt like winners anyway.

Snack and lunch at Super Bingo! Those M&Ms were gone by the end of the day!

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

April Fool's Day Queen!

I am not usually big on April Fool's Day. It doesn't really appeal to me and I hate it when people 'get' me. Every single April Fool's Day since we were young kids, my mother has gotten my sister and I with, "I have a flat tire.." or "You have a flat tire.." Same thing every year...some years she catches us off guard...others we are waiting for it. We usually get the call first thing in the morning ..maybe 7am. THIS year I was ready. April Fool's Day was on a Saturday, and I did not think she would remember or wouldn't be ready for it. So, I called her from the car and said, "Mirabel and I are stuck on route 2 ...can you come get us...we have a flat tire?" She said, "What??? Where on route 2...I'll be right there!" I had her sooooooo badly. I just yelled, "YES!!!!" I got her...I am probably in big trouble next year...but for this year...I got her.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Poor Max had to go to the vet and get tests....He has kept his bandage on miraculously!

Off to the movies with the whole crew. Grandma hasn't been to the movie in an Ice Age...ha ha ha!

Look Ma hands!

Mirabel laughed so hard the whole theatre could hear....not to mention during the previews when she said, "remember when Justin was a baby and his diaper blew up on Aunt Shelley." Poor Aunt Shelley.

Miranda (My Future Daughter in law)'s Birthday!