Thursday, February 02, 2006

Ok. Hate to have to say it, but here it is...Alan is the coolest.

So, I have been having so much trouble getting these links to actually work. I enlisted Alan to fix it and he worked very diligently today. And, as far as I can tell, it's working. Not only that, they are actually at the top of the page again. How exciting. OOOH. Anyway, that problem is fixed. Phew!

Justin had hockey at 6am today so no hockey tonight. That is exciting. But, there is hockey Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday. So, I will be busy. Only two more weeks of hockey. Then, what? Not sure. What will we do with ourselves? It will be crazy.

A month and a half until the Spinning Marathon!! Yes! We are the "Going Nowhere in a Hurry" team and we need to raise money to spin. So, I hope everyone is ready to give, give, give. Last year was super cool...and this year maybe...just maybe.... I won't have tendonitis and won't have to spin no-handed. That kinda sucked. So, Shelley and Roger will have to duke it out to see who is going to get the coveted spot on the team...or maybe, they could become the Gnarly Nadeaus and form their own team! Anyway, I can't wait!

1 comment:

jill said...

Alan rocks!!