Friday, February 10, 2006

The State Tournament

Well, this is it. The end of hockey. The kids had the first game of the State Tournament last night at 8:15pm in Barre. They were on fire. Ian scored 4 goals, Sean 1 and Justin 1 and Jackson 2. Very cool. It was exciting ...but I get so nervous when Justin is out there. He is never, ever going to be goalie dang it. I would never live through it. Anyway, when he scored he of course did his usual, skate across the ice with his stick in the air, but then when he went over near the box, everyone jumped on top of him in a big pile. They were very excited. When the coach opened the locker room door for the parents to come in...he said, "Where did THAT come from?" It was not a great game because it really was so one-sided. But, HEY, Essex has been on the other end of that ALL year. So, I guess we deserved that one.
The roads were really bad so we didn't get home until 10:45. It was crazy. Justin also started skiing again with the school program yesturday. He had a blast. He is in the same group with his friend Brandon. Brandon is a cutie. He is a real bad-boy. But, he is cute. I think one day he will have girls chasing all over him. Anyway, besides the stress of trying to get Justin to do his homework, eat, get all the stuff ready for the next day and get out of the house, it was a good time.

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