Thursday, February 23, 2006

We went to the Playcare Art Show today. Mirabel only had a few pieces in the show because she doesn't get there in time for art. The items she had were lovly. We had some nice strawberries and cheese and crackers. It was nice.
This morning we had Justin's conference. He is obviously the smartest kid in the class.. (ok, the teacher didn't say that...but that is what I got out of it!) Anyway, he is meeting the standard or above standard in all areas. Just an all around good kid. Quiet, reserved and afraid to be wrong....a totally different kid than I know. But, then again, I was always that way in school also.
Justin is not doing baseball this year. Baseball King...the Biggest Yankee fan ever...the kid who wears baseball uniforms as regular clothing....the kid who has been awesome at baseball since age 2....not playing baseball....hmmm. Ok. Well, I did not quite believe it so I brought the forms to the school so that when I picked him up I could turn the forms in. Well, he saw the forms and said, "What is that?" I said, "Baseball sign-ups." He said, "I told you I didn't want to play baseball!" Then, proceeded to have a hissy fit in the parking lot in front of all the parents and kids. So, basicly, I looked like a parent who was forcing my kid to play sports. I told him that maybe if we just put the forms in he might change his mind and that way he would be covered. Then, he yelled out, "What are you....deaf?? I don't want to play baseball!!" So, that was the last straw and I got in the car semi-humiliated and went straight home. So, I hope he doesn't change his mind. I was not happy. He says that t-ball is stupid, lame, and boring. I totally agree with that. But, I think that you may need to do t-ball to learn the rules and get into the program. I guess I just "don't know anything about it." (Secretly, I am happy because t-ball is really, really lame and I don't even like watching it.)

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