Tuesday, February 07, 2006

My Birthday...and Aunt Edie's of course.

Well, the big party was on Saturday night. The usual. We were all worn out from driving to Rouse's Point, NY and back earlier in the day and then shopping at Walmart afterwards. I got lots of cool clothes. I got a rug cleaner...mostly because of my last years present...Max. He is a bad...bad..dog! Oh well, I can't wait to get it out and working. I couldn't really sleep on Saturday night, I am not sure why, but I couldn't. Sunday, we got to sleep a little because the game wasn't until 11:45 and it was in Waterbury. Justin played awesome against St. Albans and they almost won. Justin scored a goal. He hit the puck from the red line and it went as slow as a puck can go....right in. The goalie was shocked. I think everyone was. But, as I always say...those are the ones that go in! It was awesome. It changed the momentum of the game. They went from one goal to two and tied. In the last minute, St. Albans scored. Oh well, for them to hold St. Albans 2-3 was a miracle on ice really. After that, I just went home and kind of slept and hung out getting ready for my school project. I watched a movie and went to bed.

1 comment:

jill said...

Isn't it funny how as you get older, things like a carpet cleaner make wonderful presents? A couple of years a go I got a rototiller for Valentine's Day and I was just so excited about it...I'm being serious.
Anyway, Happy Birthday! It's better than being dead.