Friday, April 18, 2008

Marlborough Madness

I am in Massachusetts. The hotel is beautiful. (Hampton Inn- I don't get paid for this plug either) They have down blankets and million dollar pillows and flat screen, hi -def tvs and cherry wood desks and huge bathrooms with touch lights. I could get used to this as a bedroom.

The hotel is not the hotel I was driving for the past 4 hours to get to....I thought for sure we were staying at the Best Western....but thankfully, this hotel is literally next door to the other one. Thank God because otherwise...I may still be looking for my baby boy.

So, we are in Massachusetts...with the Mass-holes I just got rid of because my job changed so that I only talk to people in ME, NH and VT. preparation for dealing with a weekend of Mass-holes, I get to the gas station in Waterbury and there is a Mass-hole pumping gas in this huge Land-rover. He took up two pumps. And I could not get to the front pump with my massive bike rack. I pulled behind him as he pumped gas. He finished and I figured he would pull forward to let me in....but NOOO he just stayed there and washed his windows with the squegee and then went into the store. I was going to be all road raged when another pump finally opened up and I went around and got my gas. I finished pumping my gas and his vehicle was still there. I am really not sure why that was annoying to me. But, it was.

The tournament was not a huge success. Justin scored 2 goals in the first game. They won one game and lost two. They did not get to play Sunday because they were in last place. Oh well. We got to shop at Target and the mall. We got to eat out and spend time together. The kids all got to play together. So, It was not a complete loss.

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