Tuesday, April 22, 2008

First trail ride of the year

I got home from Marlborough around 2:15 on Sunday. I was still recovering from a cold and car lag from driving 4 hours. But, I am never too sick or tired to bike...especially when it's 75 in VT and sunny. Ben and I went to Camp Johnson. I felt very good with my new bike. I love my new bike by the way. Buuuuut, I got really frustrated with my new pedals, which are off it now, because I couldn't deal with them. I kicked them a few times and swore a lot. I was not used to my new bike, so I ended up walking hills and doing weird wimping out stuff. But, overall I had fun.

I liked that it was pretty flat and technically I could have gone pretty fast. Ben is just amazing to watch. He is like an angel on his bike. He rides effortlessly over obstacles and jumps. He is a beautiful biker. I just watch him in awe. I strive to one day be half that good.

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