Saturday, June 17, 2006

Happy Birthday Justin and Mirabel !!!

Today was party day. We had Justin's kid party from 1-3. My family and Ann came over for a barbeque after that and for cake and presents. The morning was out of control because I was not mentally prepared for this party at all. I soon found out that I was not physically prepared either with food and cake and stuff. So, I went to the store at 9am...and not only did I have to grocery shop and got to I-party for balloons and a pinata (which I totally forgot until today,) but then I had to do Father's Day shopping...which meant going to the mall and Earls. (Hope Dad doesn't read this til after tomorrow!) I got done with that at 11:30...and that meant that I had to give Mirabel a bath and get her dressed, decorate the deck, decorate the cake (because there really isn't a skateboarding cake at Hannafords at the last minute,) make a vegetable platter, fill the pinata with candy and hang it up, wrap Justin's present, and just get food out onto the deck. All that in about an hour and 25 minutes....I did it, but I felt a bit like the tasmanian devil.
The kids all arrived about the same time. Unlike last year when there were more kids that I could even count on both hands, there were four classmates, my kids, and Marina and Derek. It was really just right. I was not nearly as overwhelmed. They did all the dangerous activities I was hoping they would play on the disc swing, jump on the trampoline, and play on the zip line. Peter's mom dropped him off and said..."please don't get hurt.." since he has had a broken wrist, a broken arm and a scraped up head all in the last year. So, keeping that in mind...Shelley and I watched him out of the window..and he did every single dangerous thing there was. He jumped, flew, zipped...he walked in front of the swing as others were on it..he even played with the citronella torch with a branch and nearly caught it on fire!! It was more than we could take...we were cringing the whole time. He got something in his eye that I had to visine out...and that got in his was just all bad.
Chris had to leave early which meant that they had to do the pinata pretty early on and then he wanted to see him open his present...and of course, Justin couldn't stop at one. Shelley and I were like..."we need to get our camera"...we are missing the party here. It all happened in a matter of maybe 15 minutes. Dang.
After the boys left, my family came over for a barbeque. The kids couldn't wait to open presents, so they did that first, which got Uncle Roy all out of whack. Then we ate and they boys put up Mirabel's new trapeze for the swingset. Justin got out his new guitar and they all played with the new toys. Derek was the water boy...he had the most fun with a squirt bottle I had full of water just randomly squirting people. Uncle Roy offered him a dime to JUST squirt Grandpa and not HIM...but after about 15 squirts on Grandpa...he looked at him and said, "NO" and started squirting him unmercifully. It was rather us at least. Besides, who offers these kids a dime...that is just an insult.
Justin's new 'Heely's' were a little on the small size..and I kind of want them to fit at least until hockey he had a (what I like to call) "hissy fit." Maybe it was more than that but...boy, he was disappointed. Tomorrow we will find him a new pair that fit and that have red trim. I am's gonna be the expensive pair after all. We will see tomorrow.
After the party, the kids crashed. Both of them. It was a miracle. Of course, I had to first help Justin figure out a "Transformer" thing. I really, really dislike transformers now. I felt like a monkey doing a math problem. Those things are insane. It took me like a half an hour to change it from a car to a robot...why is it that when I was a kid, it did NOT seem all that difficult??? When the kids were asleep I finished watching the movie "Mr. and Mrs. Smith." Then, I found an episode of "The Office" that I hadn't seen...which was really cool. It made me really happy after a long day to get to see a new "Office." Now...I think I will crash.

1 comment:

jill said...

Sounds like lots of fun!