Monday, June 05, 2006

Smilie Kindergarten Orientation

Today was rough. I had a killer headache all day. I did not make my sales objective and I got home and saw 2 missed calls on my cell...I was supposed to be at Mirabel's Kindergarten orientation. So, we ran out again to the school for the orientation. That was an hour and we pretty much know about all the workings of Smilie since Justin was there last year and I have worked with the kindergarten teacher for two years now. So, I sat and just listened and tried not to say anything when they were talking about the Boehm test that caused us all sorts of trouble when Justin was in kindergarten. I was really good. I did NOT say a word. Ms. Palmer is trying to get dibs on me for next year already. She may get me...if I don't do too much volunteering for the community club. We'll see. I worked with her last year in the kindergarten doing the reading program. That was all kinds of fun. So, maybe I 'll be back at that or doing what I am doing this year. I really don't know.

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