Thursday, June 22, 2006

Happy 7th Birthday Justin!

Justin apparently had a 'bad' birthday...and didn't want to talk about it on Tueday. Poor thing, I think at his age birthdays are overated and never quite live up to the expectations. Oh well, we got home and had cake. Since he had already opened his "heeleys" we rembered that the kids forgot to open the package from Daniel and Marlen. So, they were thrilled to get some Shel Silverstein books they did not have. Very cool! Then Justin went for a bike ride with Felix and I went for a walk with Mirabel. Not a bad ending for a crappy day.
Last night Justin and I went for a bike ride and he is really getting good. He has his 6 speed and really knows how to use the gears and hand brakes. Very cool.

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