Friday, March 03, 2006

Those Darned Girlscouts!

It is THAT time of year again. Girl Scout cookie time. David Lawson brought in the loot today from his daughter's troop. I am certain that these Girl Scouts put an addictive chemical in these cookies that makes you crave them!! Then, when your box is done...Ooops...NO MORE! til next year! So, then you have to go around to the front entrance of the Walmart or someplace to get a FIX!! It's just insane. I ate 6 "Thanks-A-Lot"s today and felt sick afterward. And now, did you notice it now says "NO trans-fat" on the box..... like THAT means anything. Now they are good for you?? They are still listing 6 grams of fat. Hmmmm. Those Girl Scouts have some sort of racket. $10.50 for 3 boxes of cookies? Dang. I need to go have a cookie.

1 comment:

jill said...

I, Jill, hereby admit that I have hidden boxes of Girl Scout cookies under the seat of my car so I alone could eat them.
And 6?? That's nothing!! I've been known to eat an entire box in under a half hour.