Tuesday, March 28, 2006

The "Going Nowhere in a hurry" team...Hour 2 at the VT Special Olympics 6 hour Spinning Marathon!

Dad, Roger and I did the 6 hour spinning marathon to benefit Vermont Special Olympics this year. We spun (if thats a word) to some great music...and some not so great music, and we had a blast. There were instructors from all over the country. I know that there are people that think that there is no need for instruction to ride a stationary bike...but they provided us with much needed motivation and spirit We mostly just kicked back and saved our energy, but there were times where we were all out. There was one spin instructor that insisted on yelling out "EHHHH" and putting her hand up in the air which annoyed the heck out of Roger and Me. We thought we were spinning with Mirabel whining into the microphone. So, we just nicknamed her "Mirabel." We ended up sitting with the General Dynamics crew and they all had squirt guns (including Dad) and one guy was drinking Gatorade out of his martini glass in the last hour. We had a group of drummers come in towards the end and that got us motivated to stand up and really feel the beat. Overall, it was a blast and I think we better start raising money for next year!

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