Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Justin's first day snowboarding and he's got it!

I took Justin to Bolton to learn to snowboard. Since it was sort of random, I figured I would just let him fall a few times and go home. Well. He showed me! He did great. The lesson did consist of me running down the hill in front of him...then climbing back up...then running down the mountain and climbing back up. We really needed a picture and video of ME. I was exhausted after the big lesson. Justin did a great job. He learned front and back edges and how to turn (still a bit of trouble with that.) I was amazed how quickly he picked it up. I am not sure why I bought a lift ticket since I never stepped into my snowboard...except to get back to the lodge at the end. Oh well. The fun was worth it. If I have a snowboarding partner afterwards then, I will be thrilled. Dad says he will start smoking dope now ...but he knows I would have to kill him...so...he won't do that.

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