Tuesday, March 28, 2006

EYHA Hockey Award Ceremony. The end of the Sting season. Off to Full Stride!

Hang loose

On the Mountain....notice MY snowboard doesn't leave the top

Justin's first day snowboarding and he's got it!

I took Justin to Bolton to learn to snowboard. Since it was sort of random, I figured I would just let him fall a few times and go home. Well. He showed me! He did great. The lesson did consist of me running down the hill in front of him...then climbing back up...then running down the mountain and climbing back up. We really needed a picture and video of ME. I was exhausted after the big lesson. Justin did a great job. He learned front and back edges and how to turn (still a bit of trouble with that.) I was amazed how quickly he picked it up. I am not sure why I bought a lift ticket since I never stepped into my snowboard...except to get back to the lodge at the end. Oh well. The fun was worth it. If I have a snowboarding partner afterwards then, I will be thrilled. Dad says he will start smoking dope now ...but he knows I would have to kill him...so...he won't do that.

The "Going Nowhere in a hurry" team...Hour 2 at the VT Special Olympics 6 hour Spinning Marathon!

Dad, Roger and I did the 6 hour spinning marathon to benefit Vermont Special Olympics this year. We spun (if thats a word) to some great music...and some not so great music, and we had a blast. There were instructors from all over the country. I know that there are people that think that there is no need for instruction to ride a stationary bike...but they provided us with much needed motivation and spirit We mostly just kicked back and saved our energy, but there were times where we were all out. There was one spin instructor that insisted on yelling out "EHHHH" and putting her hand up in the air which annoyed the heck out of Roger and Me. We thought we were spinning with Mirabel whining into the microphone. So, we just nicknamed her "Mirabel." We ended up sitting with the General Dynamics crew and they all had squirt guns (including Dad) and one guy was drinking Gatorade out of his martini glass in the last hour. We had a group of drummers come in towards the end and that got us motivated to stand up and really feel the beat. Overall, it was a blast and I think we better start raising money for next year!

Thanks to Roger for snapping some "great" pictures of me zoning out

The boys in hour 5...not lookin' THAT much better than I did!

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Mud Boggin'...with a touch of snow and ice ...just to make it interesting!

It has been 50 and raining for a few days and that has been absolutely horrible for our road. On Saturday alone I saw two cars getting towed out of the mud. Suction cupped to the road...just like I was two years ago. No fun at all. I do have my new car that has a little bit more clearance on the bottom, but I still bottomed-out everyday on the hill. Now, its 30 and snowy and icy. This has made it so that you get thrown all around in the ruts...then the icy spots make you slide. (Photo taken whilst being thrown around ...on a not so bad part though...so as to not go off the edge of a cliff) Now, that is no fun either. It is a tiny bit better because obviously they were able to grate the hill a little and get rid of the big ruts so I don't bottom-out on hard icy dirt that could ruin the car. Always a good time living on a dirt road in VT.

I just hardly ever get to see this view of Camel's Hump

The sunflower seed project. Oddly enough, a Japanese lesson plan. AND There's Lil, my little helper.

Justin's creation ...it kept him busy all night!!! Yes!

My New Allergy

I had an infection last week and went to the doctor and he gave me some Amoxicillin. I have been taking Amoxicillin forever without a problem. Anyway, I have broken out into hives (well, not technically hives) and itching my whole entire body for about 4 days now. I am going absolutely insane. I went to the doctor again, for the itching, and they said they feel that I am allergic to the Amoxicillin. So, they gave me a stronger allergy pill for a month, and some prednisone for the itching. I am a tiny, tiny bit better but still a little itchy.


I was lying in bed with Mirabel the other night and she said, "I've been thinking about kissing Max." I said, "the dog?" She said, "No, the person, Max Erikkson." Mind you, she is 4 and he is 6. I said, "You are???" She said, "Yes."

Felix walked in and I said, "Mirabel said she has been thinking about kissing Max." And she piped in, "Yes, I have been." No question about it whatsoever.

So, Felix was at Playcare and told Max about it in front of his mother. And Mirabel was not very happy with him. I hope he doesn't try that when she is a teenager. He will be in big trouble!

Thursday, March 09, 2006

A delicious dinner

Pizza Putt never knew what hit them!

So, Grandma Ann came to visit this weekend. School was still out on Monday and Tuesday, so she "got to" babysit. They went bowling on Monday which was a hit. The kids used a sort of roller where you put the ball on top and roll it down a ramp and it makes it go a lot faster than a kid throwing it. Physics kind of stuff, ya know. Tuesday, they went to Pizza Putt. They did every possible thing there is to do there. Justin won a stuffed animal out of the machine with the arm...you know the one....that you NEVER win at. So, basicly, Grandma spent about ten times what the dog would have cost at a regular store. But, they had a whole lot of fun. Monday night we went out for supper but Tuesday Ann cooked us a great meal. I could not stop eating! Other than that, life has been really boring and nothing much to report.

Friday, March 03, 2006

Those Darned Girlscouts!

It is THAT time of year again. Girl Scout cookie time. David Lawson brought in the loot today from his daughter's troop. I am certain that these Girl Scouts put an addictive chemical in these cookies that makes you crave them!! Then, when your box is done...Ooops...NO MORE! til next year! So, then you have to go around to the front entrance of the Walmart or someplace to get a FIX!! It's just insane. I ate 6 "Thanks-A-Lot"s today and felt sick afterward. And now, did you notice it now says "NO trans-fat" on the box..... like THAT means anything. Now they are good for you?? They are still listing 6 grams of fat. Hmmmm. Those Girl Scouts have some sort of racket. $10.50 for 3 boxes of cookies? Dang. I need to go have a cookie.
We have really not been up to much lately. Winter is dragging on...not much snow, but the weather keeps swinging between warm and really cold. I would rather have it one way or another.

Tuesday night we went over to Mom's for supper, which we hardly ever do now that I have school on Tuesdays and work late. The kids had a little parade....in the kitchen and were throwing out Mardi Gras beads, candy and food. This cracked us up. We heard there was going to be a parade...but it was so cute when the kids started throwing stuff at us. Then, they brought us downstairs for a show and more parade action.

I have been sitting in front of the computer downloading music on to my I-Pod all week. Pretty boring, but if I want music I have to do it.

Justin has been going to Live-Y'rs camp all week. Tuesday he went skating...and of course, was wild. I guess one of the counselors was timing him and another camper called him a "show - off." If you've got it..might as well flaunt it.

OH Justin.....

I was downloading music the other night and Justin was climbing on my arm as I was typing...and I said, "I swear ...if you break my arm I will have to kill you!" and he said, "It'd be kinda hard to kill me with one arm, wouldn't it??"
Where does he get that mouth from....not me. Ha Ha Ha.